Hillary Clinton questions whether Cambridge Analytica helped the Russians meddle in 2016 election

Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential candidate - Getty Images North America
Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential candidate - Getty Images North America

Hillary Clinton has questioned whether the data firm Cambridge Analytica helped the Russians meddle in the 2016 US election. 

The former Democratic presidential candidate, who lost to Donald Trump, asked whether the Russians were “getting advice” from the company during the race. 

The comments are made in the latest installment of a three-part investigation by Channel Four News into the firm, which helped Mr Trump’s online election campaign. 

Cambridge Analytica is already facing scandal amid claims it harvested 50 million Facebook profiles and questions over the methods it uses in election campaigns across the world. 

Mrs Clinton told Channel Four News: “The real question is how did the Russians know how to target their messages so precisely to undecided voters in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania – that is really the nub of the question. 

"So if they were getting advice from say Cambridge Analytica, or someone else, about ‘OK here are the 12 voters in this town in Wisconsin – that’s whose Facebook pages you need to be on to send these messages’ that indeed would be very disturbing.”

An investigation into Russian election meddling is taking place in America, being led by special counsel Robert Mueller. 

ACambridge Analytica [CA] spokesman dismissed the allegations as “entirely false".  

The spokesman said: "As one of the companies that played a prominent role in the 2016 election campaign, Cambridge Analytica is committed to supporting and assisting the House Intelligence Committee investigation into Russian interference in the election in any way that we can.

“CA is not under investigation, and there is no suggestion of any wrongdoing by the company. They deny any involvement in the alleged Russian attempts and say such an allegation is entirely false."

The programme also shows the data company’s boss saying that it used an email system that made messages self-destruct two hours after being sent. 

Alexander Nix, chief executive of the firm, is seen telling an undercover reporter posing as a fixer for a Sri Lankan client that the company used an email destruction system called ProtonMail. 

Mr Nix said: “No-one knows we have it, and secondly we set our … emails with a self-destruct timer."

He added: “So you send them and after they’ve been read, two hours later, they disappear. There’s no evidence, there’s no paper trail, there’s nothing.”

Cambridge Analytica spokesman told Channel Four News: “CA has never claimed it won the election for President Trump. This is patently absurd. We are proud of the work we did on that campaign, and have spoken in many public forums about what we consider to be our contribution to the campaign.”

On ProtonMail, the spokesman said: “It’s common practice to use encrypted communications. We take information security with the utmost seriousness, and for high profile clients using maintain stream email providers simply doesn’t provide a suitable level of security.”