Holiday lets bring in £40m in 2023 as housing crisis remains

The seaside village Port Isaac on the north coast of Cornwall where a majority of properties are holiday lets and second homes
The seaside village Port Isaac on the north coast of Cornwall where a majority of properties are holiday lets and second homes -Credit:Greg Martin

Finding a home in Cornwall remains a huge issue for many local residents as people complain they are being priced out of their hometowns. Despite this, or maybe because of it, Cornwall's holiday rental industry remains incredibly lucrative.

A new study by the Wealth of Geeks website looked at the number of nights rented on Airbnb,, and Expedia Group from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) from July 1 to September 30 of last year. While Cornwall is obviously not a "town" but a county, it was banded as a whole in the research and compared with other touristy areas in the UK while looking at how much each one makes in revenues from holiday lets.

According to the data, there are only two “towns” in the top 10 from outside London – Cornwall was number one and Brighton in sixth place. The research showed that Cornwall was the most profitable for holiday rentals and made an estimated £40,060,440 in the summer of 2023.

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On average, a room costs £84 a night, a house would be £117, and an apartment £113. Total revenue was calculated by multiplying the number of nights with the nightly cost of a room, a house, or an apartment on Airbnb. The most recent rental prices per night are taken from Airbnb across 388 UK towns to reveal the median rental price for each region and property type.

According to Wealth of Geeks, Westminster was the second most money-making UK “town”, generating an average of £34.4m over the three-month summer of 2023, ahead of Camden in third and Hackney in fourth.

A spokesperson for Wealth of Geeks said: "In the summer of 2023, the UK holiday rental sector made approximately £739.2m according to our data. Holiday rentals play a vital role in the UK’s tourism industry by supporting local economies, providing accommodation to enhance visitor experience, and promoting tourism in diverse regions across the country.

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"Tourism also helps to promote awareness of lesser-known areas, helping to distribute tourist spending more evenly across the country."

They added: "While some destinations may experience seasonal fluctuations in tourism often in the summer months, holiday rentals attract visitors year-round, helping to sustain economies and businesses during off-peak seasons."

However, the statistics have been tempered with this year's poor visitor numbers who have either shunned Cornwall for warmer and sunnier climes or simply stayed at home. Visit Cornwall said the Easter bank holiday weekend brought 225,000 visitors to the county and generated about £80m - a large drop on last year when tourists generated £95m for the local economy.

Many businesses have said the bad weather has delayed the start of the season. Lee Meech, of Springfields Fun Park and Pony Centre near Newquay, called the Easter holidays "a write-off" saying that if things continue the way they are going he doesn't know what it will do.

He told BBC Cornwall that Easter was supposed to be when attractions start the season "with a bang" but instead it just hasn't panned out that way. "It's the British weather for you, there's nothing you can do, just try and take every day as it comes I suppose and work on from there."

Helen Angove, the managing director of Woodland Collection Holidays in Townshend near St Ives, told The Observer newspaper that demand in January and February was down by 80 per cent on last year with March and April bookings also down by 20 per cent.

She said people have been so fed up with the rain that they have booked holidays abroad instead of coming down to Cornwall. She also blamed the surplus of holiday lets available which came about during the Covid pandemic when many owners flipped their properties to become holiday lets thinking they could make some easy cash in the process. This had a dramatic effect on renters, with many people being forced out of their homes to make way for high-paying tourists instead.

Recent figures have also revealed that the trend for holiday lets may be turning as more people are looking to move to Cornwall rather than buy holiday home now the Covid housing bubble has finally burst. According to housing experts in the county, it is now a buyer's market and house prices are dropping.

According to some estate agents in the county, the high-end market - especially properties along the coast - has suffered the most with the most expensive properties seeing an 8.7 per cent price drop in the year to September 2023, which represents a steeper drop than the average for coastal locations across the UK, at 6.5 per cent.

In addition, the Government has announced increased regulation and the end of tax relief from April 2025 in its latest budget while new controls on holiday lets in England will be introduced this summer. Local authorities will be given greater powers if they want to use them to control short-term lets by making them subject to the planning process.

Malcolm Bell, chairman of Visit Cornwall, agreed the weather had certainly not helped bring visitors in but insisted that with two bank holiday weekends in May and the summer season around the corner, there was still much to be hopeful for.

He told BBC Cornwall that despite recent "tough" times, he believed businesses and the tourism industry locally would do well. He added: "So it's a tough time, but we've got to have faith in the product and how wonderful Cornwall is."