Hollyoaks unveils new clues in Rayne murder story

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Hollyoaks will reveal further clues in the mystery surrounding Rayne Royce's murder next week, as her boyfriend Romeo Nightingale fights to prove his innocence.

After Rayne's shock death at a plush mansion, which was filled with Hollyoaks residents as Rayne tried to put on a show for reality TV producers, there is no shortage of suspects for her murder, after Rayne made multiple enemies in the weeks leading up to her death.

In the aftermath of the shocking incident, Rayne's former boyfriend Brent Taylor – who she had told everyone was dead, before he gatecrashed the villa party – was arrested for the crime, but that certainly doesn't mean the end of the drama.

james nightingale and ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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In scenes due to air next week, more videos recorded by Rayne before her death surface, which appear to paint Romeo out to be the perfect suspect.

Romeo's dad James, however, is determined to get a confession out of Brent, and he ends up recruiting husband Ste Hay to help him.

Ste has his own motivations to help, as he wants to keep Peri Lomax's name off the suspect list. Peri's mum, Leela Lomax, reveals that Peri is insistent that Brent is innocent, and she loses it with James when she finds out that he is trying to make Brent confess to the murder.

Soon enough, a phone call between Peri and Romeo suggests that the pair have something to hide...

james nightingale and ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Over at the Nightingales', Brent's mother appears to accuse James of having her son attacked in prison, which results in his confession to the murder. Ste is left questioning James's motives to protect his son.

Meanwhile, Rayne's fans continue to parade around the village, leaving everyone uneasy.

Nadira Valli pushes girlfriend Lacey Lloyd to move on following Brent's confession, which leads to the couple clashing once again.

James soon asks Lacey to help him put an end to Brent's mum's social media posts on Rayne's account, but will this help Romeo's case?

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4 each weekday at 7.30pm. Episodes then air on E4 the following day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after that.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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