The Hoppings' Gypsy Smith shares prediction of England's chances at Tuesday's Euros match

If England fans are still feeling a bit downhearted following the team's lacklustre performance against Denmark in the Euros this week then a 'shock' new prediction which has been made about their next game will no doubt bring some cheer.

While the England team prepare to take on Slovenia on Tuesday night, Chroniclelive paid a visit to Gypsy Smith at The Hoppings in Newcastle to ask for her predictions for the upcoming game. On Friday's first day of the travelling fair, which will be open daily on the Town Moor until June 30, Gypsy Smith, a palmist, was already busy with customers, including a regular who has come for readings for years and used to see Gypsy Smith's late mother before her.

Gypsy Smith's family has been part of The Hoppings - Europe's largest travelling fair - for 88 years and a display of photographs outside her caravan show scenes from the earliest days onwards. She carries on the proud family tradition and will be available for readings throughout the run of the fair.

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Her caravan is positioned at the bottom end of the moor, along with several others and near to Romany Gypsy Tina Lee's traditional-style wagon, and ahead of seeing her regular customer she invited us in for her verdict on England's hopes in the Euros. And, following the disappointment of Thursday night's match, she shared some news that is set to restore fan's hopes in time for Tuesday's game.

"I honestly do think, from what I can see, the England team are going to give you a bit of a shock," she said, adding that the next few games to be played are going to be "completely different". And it seems we're in for a far better performance.

"From what I can see, and what is going to happen, it's only going up." Whatever the score turns out to be, England will be one goal up, she said.

Our final question was could they win, although we didn't make it clear we meant the tournament itself. Gypsy Smith thinks they are in with a "hell of a good chance", adding: "I just do think that you'll definitely get a shock with what's going to happen at the next match that England play."