Hour-by-hour forecast as Londoners head to polling stations on Election Day

Hour-by-hour forecast as Londoners head to polling stations on Election Day <i>(Image: PA)</i>
Hour-by-hour forecast as Londoners head to polling stations on Election Day (Image: PA)

As people across the UK head to the polls this Election Day, London is set to enjoy dry and bright sunshine.

Forecaster Greg Dewhurst said temperatures would be average for the time of year and said there were no weather warnings for any part of the country as it votes in the General Election.

Turnout is not generally affected by weather conditions, records suggest.

According to the Parliament website, despite the last general election in 2019 being the wettest since records began in 1931, turnout was higher (67.3 per cent) than in 2001 (59.4 per cent) and 2005 (61.4 per cent) when polling day fell in June and May respectively.

Greg Dewhurst said: “Thursday’s weather will be divided into two halves.

“Areas south of Liverpool should be mostly dry with sunny spells. Temperatures there will be around average for this time of year with most places seeing high teens and early 20s.

“London will see the highest temperatures, somewhere between 21 and 22 degrees.

Here is the hour-by-hour forecast for today (Thursday)

5am – Sunny intervals

6am – Sunny intervals

7am – Sunny

8am – Sunny

9am – Sunny

10am – Sunny

11am – Sunny

12pm – Cloudy

1pm – Sunny

2pm – Sunny intervals

3pm – Sunny intervals

4pm - Sunny intervals

5pm - Sunny intervals

6pm – Sunny intervals

7pm – Sunny intervals

8pm – Sunny intervals

9pm - Sunny

10pm – Clear

11pm – Partly cloudy

Here is the hour-by-hour forecast for tomorrow (Friday)

7am – Cloudy

10am – Heavy rain

1pm - Heavy rain

4pm – Light shower

7pm – Cloudy

10pm – Cloudy

Forecast in full

Thursday: A dry and bright day, with patchy cloud and sunny intervals. Winds strengthening in the afternoon. Rain may arrive from the west by the end of the night. Maximum temperature 22 °C.

Outlook for Friday to Sunday: Increasingly cloudy Friday, with persistent rain and strong winds arriving from the west. Dry with sunny spells Saturday, patchy cloud later. Patchy cloud and a chance of showers Sunday. Cool.