Housing and the NHS among the top issues for voters in St George

As the nation prepares for the general election in less than two weeks, we went out in the St George and Troopers Hill ward in Bristol East to see how people were feeling ahead of the polling day.

We met potential voters on a sunny day in St George Park in the seat, which is in the Bristol East constituency under the new election boundaries and is held by Labour’s Kerry McCarthy.

Jo Bryan-Smith believes that many of the older residents who are settled are likely to turn out but believes that it’s the younger generation that are less likely to vote. Like others in the area she has seen a shift in demographics in recent years, with more families and working professionals in their 30s buying up houses in recent years.

READ MORE: Bristol Labour and Green candidates row over NHS ‘nonsense’ claim

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“A lot of people my age are buying houses in the area now or bought a few years ago so the age demographic has changed recently but also the general demographic. It’s more people who are liberal or fairly left wing who are more obliged to vote," explained the 36-year-old.

With the recent shift towards the Greens in Bristol’s local elections and a number of independent standing in Bristol East, she is unsure if this shift will impact the end result. “I will vote Labour because I want the Tories out. Although Labour are not perfect, they still seem like the better choice.”

While those who did not intend to vote were generally not willing to speak about it, among those who did, there was a desire to vote the Conservatives out. But due to the number of votes cast in the ward, it will be less influential in deciding who wins Bristol East overall.

Katie Rutherford, who is 32 and moved to the area recently, said that she has always voted for the Green Party or Labour in previous years but is more likely to vote Labour this time, again due to her disdain for the Tories and the importance she gives to issues such as the NHS, housing and the cost of living crisis.

In terms of the factors impacting voter turnout locally, she believes that an increase in people buying houses may impact turnout with a fluctuation in population resulting in new residents not being registered in time. ”I’ve lived in the area since September and there are a lot of people moving in and out the area,” she added.

Nic, who didn’t want to give her last name because of her job, has lived in the area for 12 years and thinks that the community is divided. “There are people who grew up in St George and there are lots of people who have moved into St George. I would say the people who’ve moved into St George would vote more than the people who grew up here.”

Like others enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the park, Nic was certain that the Tories would not get her vote but was still undecided between Labour and Green.

In terms of those who don’t vote she put it down to apathy. “They think there is no point because things won't change,” she added.

While Abi Rogers, who is 35 and has lived in the area for 10 years, felt the compulsory ID rule was a tactic to stop people from voting. Like others she would have expected the area to have higher turnout of voters.

She said: “I don’t know what the reason is around here for people not wanting to vote but I think having to carry ID will make it harder for people to vote. Who goes out with their wallet nowadays?

“Then you have to fit time in to vote and I can see a lot of people giving up just out of laziness. If you are making it harder to get out and vote, it seems like a deliberate tactic. It’s just going to be young people who are most affected.”

In terms of her voting intentions she added: “I always go Green, I did go for Jermey Corbyn and then everyone turned against him and then I just thought, sod everyone else.

She felt that caring for the environment and reducing discrimination against migrants were important issues in this upcoming election. In reference to the current debates around refugees and asylum seekers she added: “There is more chance of younger people voting trying to help people in those situations.”