Hundreds oppose affordable housing plan in 'relatively expensive' Swansea countryside village

Clordir Road in Pontlliw
-Credit: (Image: Google Maps)

Plans for 31 affordable homes on the outskirts of "a relatively expensive" Swansea village have been approved despite numerous objections and serious concerns about pedestrian access. There were petitions of objection with 266 and 279 signatures to the proposal for land off Clordir Road, Pontlliw, plus 73 objection letters.

There were also five letters of support - and a report before Swansea Council's planning committee said 268 people on the county's 8,000-plus housing waiting list had named the village as somewhere they wanted to live. The land in question is in the countryside, where new development generally can't take place, but there is an exception for 100% affordable housing schemes subject to criteria being met.

Planning agent Rob Davies, speaking on behalf of social housing applicant Pobl Group, said demand for housing was "extremely high" in all parts of Swansea, including Pontlliw, and that affordable house-building targets in the council's local development plan had been missed for four consecutive years. "Sites such as this are so important to meet that need," he said. For the latest Swansea news, sign up to our newsletter here

Pontlliw and Tircoed councillor Victoria Holland said local schools were full and that public transport was lacking. The proposed development, she said, "does not make sense at the moment". The Labour councillor added: "It's very much a village where people work. It's a relatively expensive area. We are not against affordable housing in Pontlliw, we are just against it in that area."

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Cllr Holland also said safe access was a primary concern. There is a pavement on the side of Clordir Road where the estate will be built, but it ends at a bend a short distance from where the entrance will be. Committee members saw this for themselves on a site visit. A planning officer told the committee that the short strip of ground where the pavement ended was owned by a third party, and that although the ideal solution would be to extend the pavement to the estate's entrance, it would be "unwise and unreasonable" to put planning conditions on third party-owned land.

The upshot is that an "uncontrolled" pedestrian crossing will be created near the estate's entrance, meaning residents will have to cross Clordir Road to access a continuous pavement the other side. Several committee members expressed their misgivings about this arrangement, with Cllr Philip Downing asking why a pelican or zebra crossing couldn't be built instead of an uncontrolled one.

A highways officer said as long as the uncontrolled crossing had good visibility there was no reason not to accept it, but that "improvements can always be made". One suggestion, he said, could be signs warning drivers they're approaching the nearby Pontlliw Primary School.

The planning officer said the speed limit on Clordir Road was 20mph and that there hadn't been a personal injury accident on it in the last five years. He added that the crossing and access to the proposed development were considered safe. "I do appreciate the fear of accidents but we have got to follow the evidence before us," he said. The officer also said the shortage of affordable housing in Swansea was "acute".

Land off Clordir Road, Pontlliw, where 31 affordable homes are to be built
Land off Clordir Road, Pontlliw, where 31 affordable homes are to be built -Credit:Google Maps
The layout of Pobl Group's affordable home development in Pontlliw
The layout of Pobl Group's affordable home development in Pontlliw

Cllr Richard Lewis, speaking earlier in the meeting, said he supported Pobl Group's planning application and predicted the flats, houses and bungalows at the new estate - all to be rental rather than low-cost ownership - would be over-subscribed. Cllr Lewis said an affordable housing scheme in Scurlage, Gower, had been opposed by many of the village's older residents but that they'd changed their mind when it was built, notably because it was only open, he claimed, to people in Gower. "I think it's important you understand this is needed for the community," he said.

There are other housing developments planned or approved in Pontlliw, but the report before the committee said they wouldn't make a significant contribution to affordable housing. Councillors voted in favour of the Pobl Group application by seven votes to four. Pobl Group must contribute £75,500 and £92,288 to help increase capacity at Pontlliw primary and Pontarddulais Comprehensive School, and provide £6,000 towards transport and highways.

Speaking after the meeting, Amy Malone, Pobl Group project manager, said: "We are delighted to receive full planning permission for our proposed scheme at Clordir Road. It will provide 31 much-needed quality affordable homes for social rent, for Pontlliw."