We are on the hunt for Glasgow's Best Hair Salon

Stock image <i>(Image: Pixabay)</i>
Stock image (Image: Pixabay)

THE Glasgow Times is on the hunt for the city’s best hair salon.

Residents are being asked to nominate their favourite hairdresser before Sunday, June 30.

Nominees are in with the chance of being crowned the Best Hair Salon in Glasgow.

So whether it’s your regular salon or somewhere that makes you feel your best for special occasions please visit HERE to submit your nomination.

(Image: Newsquest) Stacey Mullen, editor, said: “We want to celebrate the best the city has to offer when it comes to hair salons.

“We know that the last few years have been tough for the industry with many businesses feeling the impact of the Covid and cost-of-living crises.

“But we equally know that there are many salons who go above and beyond for their customers and we should recognise this.

“Nominate that hairdresser who makes you feel special or the hair salon which does go that extra mile.”

All finalists will be published in July alongside a coupon which allows Glaswegians to vote for their favourite to win.

Scan this QR code to fill out a nomination form (Image: Newsquest)