Trump Taken Off Illinois Ballot by Judge Over Insurrection

(Bloomberg) -- An Illinois judge barred Donald Trump from appearing on the Republican presidential primary ballot, marking the third state to impose such a ban on the former president for his role in the insurrection at the US Capitol on Jan 6.

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Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter paused her decision Wednesday and gave Trump until Friday to appeal. Porter based her ruling on a provision in the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment known as the insurrection clause. The measure bars people from returning to office if they took an oath to support the Constitution and then engaged in insurrection.

Trump already has an appeal of a similar ruling in Colorado before the US Supreme Court. The high court on Wednesday took up a second unprecedented case involving Trump over his bid for immunity from criminal prosecution in the Washington election interference case, raising the prospect that a trial to hold him accountable for trying to overturn the 2020 election could face a lengthy delay.

“This is an unconstitutional ruling that we will quickly appeal,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement.

Read More: Supreme Court Immunity Case Jeopardizes Trump Trial Pre-Election

Efforts to remove Trump from state ballots have been spearheaded by two activist groups funded largely by liberal donors, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, and Free Speech for People. They raised millions of dollars from individual donors and liberal philanthropists, including George Soros and Craig Newmark, helping power an effort that will decisively shape how the 2024 election unfolds.

Colorado was the first state to ban Trump from the ballot in December and Maine followed. The Colorado Supreme Court on Dec. 19 declared Trump ineligible to reclaim the White House — the first time a court has ever invoked the insurrection clause to disqualify an ex-president.

The Chicago-based judge said she found “compelling” the Colorado Supreme Court’s rationale for concluding that even as a former president, Trump was covered by the insurrection clause.

The US Supreme Court heard arguments in the Colorado ballot removal dispute earlier this month. In that case, which will likely set the rules for other states, Trump has argued he didn’t take part in an insurrection by trying to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

At oral arguments in Washington, the justices appeared poised to side with Trump. Liberal and conservative justices alike questioned whether the Colorado Supreme Court had power to exclude Trump on the grounds that he engaged in an insurrection.

For More: Takeaways From Supreme Court’s Trump Ballot-Ban Hearing

(Updates with details about US Supreme Court immunity case.)

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