I'm A Celebrity viewers divided by treatment of Martin Roberts: 'This is bullying'

Martin Roberts has proven to be this year's most divisive I'm A Celebrity campmate – and opinions on the star were split once again on Thursday night when viewers saw him singled out by his fellow celebs.

Camp royals Adam Thomas, Ola Jordan, Wayne Bridge and Sam Quek had visited the main camp and explained that they had won themselves bars of chocolate after completing the Dingo Dollar challenge, which they had decided to share with the others. The celebs were then called up one by one to get their share of chocolate – but when it was Martin's turn he was told he wasn't allowed a piece as payback for a trick he had pulled on Adam.



I'm A Celebrity Martin Roberts denied chocolate by Adam Thomas
I'm A Celebrity Martin Roberts denied chocolate by Adam Thomas

Martin Roberts was not allowed his piece of chocolate as payback for an earlier trick on Adam Thomas

Earlier, Martin – now a servant, having lost his royal position to Ola in the ongoing Claim of Thrones challenge - had been asked by Adam to fetch him some water, but he deliberately tripped, spilling it all over Adam's bed.

"He got me, he is in for it… Martin, run and hide," Adam joked. He later got his revenge by calling Martin up to collect his chocolate, before putting it in his own mouth.


I'm A Celebrity: Martin Roberts divides viewers
I'm A Celebrity: Martin Roberts divides viewers

Opinions have been divided on the Homes Under The Hammer star

While most viewers found the incident amusing, some deemed Adam's payback cruel. "Just wishing people would leave Martin alone. It's bullying!" one viewer tweeted. Others claimed they weren't a fan of the Homes Under The Hammer star, but did not like his treatment. "Annoying though Martin is, singling him out like this is tantamount to bullying #uncomfortable #imaceleb." Another added: "Not a fan of Martin but the way he is being treated by everyone else on the show is awful, it's bullying."

In response, a spokesperson told the Mail: "The welfare of our celebrities is of utmost important. We constantly monitor and talk to them to check on their welfare and have procedures in place to address any unacceptable behaviour."