'I'm going to kill you. You're gone' - Swanland man's chilling message to terrified ex

-Credit: (Image: Humberside Police)
-Credit: (Image: Humberside Police)

An obsessed bully left his terrified ex-girlfriend fearing that he would kill her after he sent her a barrage of nasty and abusive text messages and voicemails and menacingly warned her: "You're gone."

Heavy drinker Stephen Allen told the woman "You're f***ing dead, mate" during a prolonged campaign of harassment against her. Every single offence that he had ever committed had been linked to his serious alcohol problem, Hull Crown Court heard.

Allen, 57, of Main Street, Swanland, admitted harassment, causing fear of violence, between February 14 and March 3. He pleaded guilty on the day of a scheduled trial before Hull magistrates.


Natalie Dean, prosecuting, said that the couple had known each other for many years and their previous relationship ended in December last year. Allen sent a large number of text messages to the woman and made a number of telephone calls as well as leaving threatening voicemails.

On February 15, he left a message saying: "You're f***ing dead, mate. You watch me. You're gone. I have got you. You are f***ing gone."

On March 3, Allen made 16 telephone calls in the early hours on a private number and he left threatening and abusive voicemail messages saying "I'm going to kill you. You're gone. You're gone."

Allen told his ex-girlfriend to look out of her window and she did so but she did not see him. She was in fear of him and feared that he could kill her.

The woman later lived with members of her family because she was too frightened to live alone in her own house. Allen was arrested but he denied the allegations or made no comment.

He claimed that he was not aware that the woman did not want him to contact her. He said that he would cease contact in the future as her wishes had supposedly not been made clear to him.

"It was persistent action over a prolonged period of time," said Miss Dean. "At the time of the commission of this offence, he was on licence, having received a custodial sentence for harassment."

Allen had very recent convictions for similar offending, including harassment in November and December last year. He had convictions for 55 previous offences, including for assaulting an emergency worker, assault, threatening behaviour, possessing a blade and criminal damage.

Nick Peacock, mitigating, said that Allen had been in custody since March 26. "He is thoroughly ashamed of his behaviour," said Mr Peacock.

"These two people had a relationship for a long time and, like a lot of relationships, it was up and down. He accepts that his behaviour towards this victim was just unacceptable – and it's not acceptable.

"He can cope with prison. There's no doubt about that. He has had to cope with custody throughout his criminal career. He is desperate to stop drinking.

"Every single offence he has involved himself in is as a result of too much alcohol. He needs something to occupy his time.

"He is in and out of prison all the time. It will continue until he deals with his alcohol issue. Things need to change."

Judge Tahir Khan KC told Allen: "You have, and I'm sure you will agree with this, a bad record of offending."

Allen was given an 18-month suspended prison sentence, 25 days' rehabilitation, a probation service Building Better Relationships programme and a six-month monitoring order. He was given an indefinite restraining order.

"You need to work very hard to avoid going to prison," said Judge Khan. "If you breach that restraining order, you will go to prison."

Allen said: "I accept that. I am sorry for my behaviour."