'I'm a method actor and live like a vampire – ghosts have disrupted some of my films'

-Credit: (Image: @ayviannasnow/Cover Images)

A London-based horror actress has opened up about her spine-tingling encounters with the supernatural during filming.

Ayvianna Snow, 26, has been spooked by a series of unexplained incidents, including a Ouija Board bursting into flames, mysterious camera interference, and sightings of an unknown figure on set.

She shared: "When filming [Dean Cain's movie] 'The Seven' we did a scene using a Ouija Board to contact the dead. One of the other actresses didn't like having the board in the dressing room, so she left it outside.

"Later that day, we looked out the window and the board was on fire. We have no idea how that happened."

Additionally, she recounted: "And while filming [Dan Brownlie's] 'The Tombs' at London Bridge Experience I kept seeing a man dressed in period clothing hanging around the set. I assumed he was one of the actors.

"Later on, when I asked about him, no one had ever heard of him, and it transpired he wasn't one of the actors employed that day."

Hailing from Derry, Ayvianna is a method actor, adopting the same techniques as legends like Marlon Brando and Dustin Hoffman, which involves deep immersion into her characters.

Her preparation often includes "embracing the darker side of life", such as meditating in graveyards, remaining silent for extended periods, and avoiding daylight to keep her skin ghostly pale for roles that range from demons and witches to Dracula's wife and a possessed bride.


A practising witch, Avyianna has been interested in horror since her youth, fascinated by horror films and sneaking out to visit graveyards at night. Recalling one spooky tale from a film set, she described how all the cameras suddenly stopped working during the filming of Michael Fausti's Burnt Flowers.

"We suspect the set might have been haunted," she said. The crew called upon a psychic medium who was part of the cast to ask the spirits to allow them to continue filming. Avyianna claims that all the equipment instantly sprang back to life after the psychic's request.

"However, when we played back the audio from that day's filming, it sounded like a distorted cassette tape. This is impossible with a digital recorder as there is no tape involved," she said. "We also had some strange electrical occurrences with light bulbs unexpectedly blowing - something we don't usually experience.

"Doors would open on their own on set, a producer reported hearing a noise in her ear when no one else was around, caretakers noticed lights turning on and off without reason, and some staff members refused to enter the building."

She added: "Maybe the ghosts weren't pleased with our filming. I'm not scared though, I don't believe spirits are necessarily evil. They are mostly just spirits of people who used to be alive."

Ayvianna has gathered a following of 42,100 on Instagram, where she shares behind-the-scenes content from photoshoots, interviews, and glamorous selfies.