I'm so sorry for costing Herefordshire £130,000!

One of the moss air filters being installed in Hereford <i>(Image: Herefordshire Council/Balfour Beatty Living Places)</i>
One of the moss air filters being installed in Hereford (Image: Herefordshire Council/Balfour Beatty Living Places)

THROUGH your newspaper I would like to apologise to the council tax payers of Herefordshire for costing them more than £130,000.

This happened because during its last year I drove my diesel powered Rover 75 approximately 4,000 miles and in doing so I used about 100 gallons of diesel. This fuel would have produced 1,180kg of carbon dioxide.

Your freedom of information request revealed (online: Cost of Hereford’s moss carbon dioxide filter towers, May 30) that Herefordshire Council, by installing three elegant moss mat filtering units, has managed to remove 342kg per year which means that the council’s moss filters accounted for nearly one third of the carbon dioxide I produced.


I should also apologise to council tax payers that two thirds of my Rover’s emissions remain as yet unfiltered, and thus polluting Hereford, because the prevailing winds from my home blow towards the city.

The good news is, as reported a few weeks ago, that my Rover was written off in a pothole last March and I now drive an electric car.

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Further good news is that, while the council was removing a third of my gas, they also collected 580.6g of particulate matter, which is approximately one pint of dust.

Again, I am sorry that I have cost the people of Herefordshire more than £130,000 in the last year, but I hope, at least, that the pint of dust can be used to help fill one of the potholes.

