Immigration In The UK: For And Against

As Sky News' immigration week continues, two Britons give their arguments about whether immigration is good or bad for the nation.


:: Nigel Sykes, 51, sales manager, Yorkshire

Before any debate on immigration can take place, let us rid ourselves of one word: "racism".

Until this word is put in its correct place there will never be reasoned debate.

My views come as I watch my country slide deep down into the abyss of which it will never return.

Coming from an area and background that was "everyone votes Labour round here", you may be surprised to now hear the same people are beginning to turn their back on this old custom.

Here are some reasons which I hear people give every day in pubs, clubs, parks, workplace etc.

Our two main political parties have had to revise immigration policy. Why? Because another party has gained ground by listening to the views of its citizens. After all, these citizens are the ones who put them there - something which seems to evade 650 MPs.

These are the same people who are now subject to the strains of mass uncontrolled immigration introduced by the Labour Party intending to create a one-party state.

Without going too in depth, let's look at some facts.

We have a huge housing shortage even amongst our own populace but continue to allow migrants to pour in and take housing that should be available for our own people.

Our hospitals and schools are at breaking point for one reason only: immigration.

We cannot look after our own pensioners, many who have paid their dues all their life, but we can give benefits to immigrants who have paid nothing.

Many of our truly unhealthy or disabled have had benefits cut, yet we can somehow afford to give immigrants money to give to claimants back in their homeland.

No doubt people will say: "They will do work no Brit will do."

Please, show me the jobs and I guarantee I can have a Brit ready to start.

People are fed up of the complete disregard by immigrants for our own laws, our schools, our British heritage, customs and way of life.


:: Angelo Iudice, chairman, Accademia Apulia UK

I am a naturalised British subject who has lived in London for over 30 years.

During this time I have seen what was once a depressing pub-centred society turning into the centre of the world.

In today's multicultural Britain, the most important, world-acclaimed architects, doctors, scientists and artists are leaving their mark, and they are not all English.

I would say to anyone who is anti-immigration that they should be proud of the fact that migrants from every corner of the world want to come here. Britain is the most civilised country in the whole world.

I was aged 18 when I first arrived on these shores searching for meritocracy within an open-minded society - a dimension I cherished from day one.

From day one I paid my taxes and upheld my social responsibilities.

Humanity and civilisation know no borders and modern Britain, in my view, is about tolerance and acceptance.

I believe the focus should not be on migration, but that politicians should be searching for solutions and strategies to fight world poverty in order to safeguard the future of our planet.

:: Immigration UK: A week of special coverage on Sky from October 14 to 18 - watch on Sky 501, Virgin Media 602, Freesat 202, Freeview 82, and Sky News for iPad