Incredible Plymouth mum's devastating diagnosis after heart transplant

A Plymouth mum who received a heart transplant seven years ago is now facing a rare form of cancer. After being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (diseases of the heart muscle) the mum’s health deteriorated and she received a lifesaving heart transplant in 2017.

But receiving a new heart was just the first hurdle. Brave mum, Tracey Hibberd had to take strong medication - to ensure her body did not reject the heart.

Tracey’s daughter, Amy Rowse, explained the medication left her mum’s immune system severely impaired. And now, 63-year-old Tracey is battling an aggressive form of liver cancer.

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The "kind" mum has been given 12 - 15 months to live, but a treatment called SIRT (Selective internal radiation therapy) could extend her life by several years. But the treatment is not available on the NHS and privately, the treatment costs £28,000 - so the family have launched a fundraiser to help extend the “loving” woman's life.

Amy said: “If love could keep her alive, she would live forever, unfortunately it is money that is standing in the way at the moment of keeping her with us for longer. We are raising money for treatment that is not yet available on the NHS.

“This is not the first hurdle mum has faced. She had a heart transplant in 2017. Before that, her daughter, my twin sister, died at age 21, four weeks after having her first baby. Mum and dad have raised her son, (their grandson) who is now 23.

“I contracted the same condition as my twin and there were tense times during the end of my pregnancy. I had my son four weeks early as my heart was also enlarged. Mum was there through it all.

"She is our family's rock and has supported and cared for many, lending an ear or helping hand when she can. During all of these things Mum has never complained, instead she has been grateful for the chances given.”

The family (and friends) of Tracey want to raise as much as possible to fund this treatment, so the popular lady can "be around for longer". Amy said her mum has "touched many lives" and Tracey's husband, grandchildren, sisters and the rest of the family would like to give her this chance to receive the specialised treatment.

Amy created the GoFundMe, on the fundraiser page she wrote: "She is such a strong, inspirational, kind, loving woman and we are proud to call her mum. If you are able to donate anything, we would be immensely grateful. We know that the cost of living has hit everyone hard and do not want anyone to feel they have to. If you can't donate, please share."

You can donate to GoFundMe for Tracey Hibberd here.

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