'Incredibly proud' - Osborne Street in Colchester given a vibrant new look

Talented - four members of Colchester sixth form college stood infront of a new piece of art down Osborne Street <i>(Image: Colchester City Council)</i>
Talented - four members of Colchester sixth form college stood infront of a new piece of art down Osborne Street (Image: Colchester City Council)

SIXTH form students have helped create a "vibrant" piece of street art on one of the city centre's busiest roads.

The Art for Osborne Street project saw the pupils at Colchester Sixth Form College create designs which were then whittled down to a winner.

The winning design features a masked woman with some of Colchester's historic landmarks such as Jumbo and Colchester Castle.

The initiative was designed to showcase the exceptional talent of students who attend the college.

Gazette: Location - Osborne Street is the location of where the artwork has been put up
Gazette: Location - Osborne Street is the location of where the artwork has been put up

Location - Osborne Street is the location of where the artwork has been put up (Image: Credited)

The judges were highly impressed with the creativity and talent which was on offer from the participating students.

The ‘Level Best Café’ was originally the location where these fantastic pieces of art were on display from the 1st to the 29th February.

The art has subsequently ended up on the walls of Osborne Street, which will be their permanent home from now on.

Natalie Sommers, Colchester Council's portfolio holder for communities, heritage and public protection, said: “We are incredibly proud to present these remarkable pieces on Osborne Street.

“This project isn't just about beautifying our city; it's about nurturing young talent, fostering appreciation for the arts, and solidifying Colchester's position as a thriving cultural hub.”

“The Art for Osborne Street project exemplifies the transformative power of art. The diverse and exceptional artwork by our young artists is a true testament to their creativity and will undoubtedly inspire a sense of community pride.”

The art for Osborne Street project was thought up by local resident and passionate advocate for Colchester Trevor Orton.

Mr Orton has always proposed ideas on how to improve the city centre and the idea to use artwork from students who are from Colchester sixth form was his idea.

He has further extended his support by sponsoring the acrylic that protects the artwork.

A fantastic addition to the city, celebrating young talent by displaying their talent in a permanent way is a great incentive.