What Sky-deprived Rishi Sunak should have said in that TV interview

<span>Helen Muir says Rishi Sunak should have answered the question about going without honestly. </span><span>Photograph: AFP/Getty</span>
Helen Muir says Rishi Sunak should have answered the question about going without honestly. Photograph: AFP/Getty

If he wanted to be re-elected, what Rishi Sunak should have said in that TV interview (The politics sketch, 12 June) when asked “Have you ever gone without something?” is: “No, of course not. I never went hungry or without warm clothes or a room of my own. I went to an excellent school. I had two loving parents. I wanted for nothing a child needs to grow up. It is a national disgrace that thousands of children in this country do not have the same. We must do much more and I propose that we will.”
Helen Muir
Tywyn, Gwynedd

• Please tell Annie Hall (Letters, 9 June) that my late mother Pearl Bradford, a primary school teacher, fitted the bill. She would find something positive – however small – in any piece of work, having been encouraged to do so by a tutor when she was a student at Goldsmiths in the late 1930s.
Mary Hutty

• Does anyone know what the odds are on the Tory MP Craig Williams being unemployed by 5 July (Tories face new questions over Sunak aide who placed bet on July election, 14 June)?
Ian Grieve
Gordon Bennett, Llangollen canal

• Bit rich of David Cameron to claim that Nigel Farage is trying to destroy the Conservative party (Politics live, 15 June). The Tories seem to be doing a pretty good job of destroying themselves.
Su Hardman

• So Farage has only got one ball (Profile, 14 June). Is his other in the Albert Hall?
Tom Hardy

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