Infamous 1960s Series ‘Turn-On,’ Canceled Midway Through One Episode, Gets New Life (Exclusive)

One of the most notorious TV shows of the medium’s first half-century is getting a second life — after its first one ended almost as soon as it began.

Producer George Schlatter is releasing the two completed episodes of Turn-On, a 1969 sketch comedy show that saw only one of those two air — and get pulled from one ABC affiliate within 10 minutes of its debut, something that hadn’t happened before and hasn’t since. The two episodes will be available Oct. 9 on YouTube via Clown Jewels, a channel dedicated to vintage comedy.

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Laugh-In creator George Schlatter and Digby Wolfe, a writer on the show, created Turn-On, whose hook was that it was the first “computerized” TV show. Filmed rather than taped in front of an audience, the show featured a rapid-fire series of sketches on a blank white set, brief bits of animation and, for the time, a number of risqué subjects and lines.

It premiered on Feb. 5, 1969, on ABC in place of the network’s primetime soap Peyton Place — and by the first commercial break, the network’s affiliate in Cleveland had pulled the show. After seeing the show, some other affiliates in later time zones declined to air it at all, effectively killing it on night one.

Turn-On may have been one of my proudest moments,” Schlatter said on The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast in 2019. “The network wanted to do a show, so I said I could do one show, and I would do whatever I want. We came on the air with Turn-On, and the guy in Cleveland wanted them to keep [Peyton Place] on. … When he found out we were coming on the air with Turn-On, he called all the stations and told them all to say they couldn’t air the show. … We were canceled all across the country one station at a time. But it was a wonderful experience — all the things we did in Turn-On are now commonplace.”

Schlatter also said he had to agree not to air Turn-On anywhere else in order to be paid. Pirated copies exist online, however, so the producer chose to team with Clown Jewels — a division of comedy record label 800 Pound Gorilla Media — for an official release. The two episodes will feature new introductions from Schlatter, who will tell the story of the show’s creation and the context in which it was released.

A teaser for the episodes is below.

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