All iPhone and Android users warned over login mistake hackers 'love'

ALL iPhone and Android owners have been warned over a log-in mistake that hackers are said to "love". Android and iPhone device owners have been warned a mistake while logging into the likes of Netflix, Amazon and more.

"Hackers love" this one mistake people make when choosing their passwords when people log in to the likes of PayPal, Amazon, and Netflix. McAfee, a security firm, has warned scammers and fraudsters "love" people who use identical logins.

McAfee advised: "Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Better to limit a hacker's success to only one site, as opposed to all your online accounts. Consider a layered approach — use a different password for your email account only, your social networking accounts, your financial accounts, etc.

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2Use passwords of at least eight characters in length, which include a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. To help you remember your passwords, try to switch letters with similar-looking numbers or characters.

"Don't use easily accessible personal information in your passwords. For example, the names of children and pets, anniversaries and birthdays, or the name of a spouse or loved one. Hackers know people use these types of information and try those first. So maybe use letters from important names, in a different order, or create a mnemonic to remember your password.

"Change your passwords on a regular schedule. Whether a hacker has already uncovered your password or not, a smart way to put a stop to any victimization is by changing your password regularly."

When you try to switch letters with similar-looking numbers or characters, mcAfee offers a handy example, telling device owners and tech fans that instead of using "JBOnlineBank", you should instread try J80nl1neB@n<.

"One of the easiest ways to avoid having your accounts hacked or your identity stolen is to create passwords that are sufficiently complex. While trying to work out your passwords, hackers often use combinations of common words or easily accessible personal information like your children's names," it said.