Irish Government says no to Armagh and Down getting in on tourism ad campaign

Hopes of counties Down and Armagh being added to a Republic of Ireland worldwide tourism branding have been dashed.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) had lobbied an Irish Government department to have the two counties included in the 'Ireland's Ancient East' global promotion.
Stormont Economy Minister Conor Murphy is due to meet with NMDDC to potentially advance the inclusion of the two counties.

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However, the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) has seen a letter this week from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, to be shown to NMDDC reps, which seems to close the door on the Council's hopes.
It reads: "Failte Ireland's remit does not extend to Northern Ireland and therefore it is not possible to include the counties Armagh and Down in the Ireland's Ancient East brand."
The tourism brand was coined by the government in the Republic of Ireland to promote the various ancient sites located on the east coast of the country. NMDDC has been lobbying for some time for the tourism strategy to include counties in the North.
At a committee meeting in April, councillors signed off on an updated strategy for 2024-2029, which positions the district with the tourism strap-line 'Ireland’s True Nature'.
The move was greeted by elected members as "opening the door" to Ireland's Ancient East.
The Irish Government letter adds: "Tourism Ireland in its role in marketing the island of Ireland overseas as a compelling tourist destination, promotes Ireland's four regional experience brands, as well as Northern Ireland's experience brand Embrace a Giant Spirit, on a range of platforms, including online, overseas trade platforms and other publicity.
"One of the department's strategic goals is to continue to promote increased north-south co-operation in tourism, working with the NI Executive and through the North South Ministerial Council and the work of Tourism Ireland.
"The minister welcomes the resumption of meetings of the North South Ministerial Council and this department, Failte Ireland and Tourism Ireland will continue to foster North-South co-operation to enhance the all island tourism offering and grow the value of tourism to the entire island."

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