Italy’s Meloni Says Government ‘Emboldened’ by EU Vote Victory

(Bloomberg) -- Premier Giorgia Meloni projected optimism after winning the European vote in Italy, vowing Rome would play a “fundamental” role in the bloc while calling on the EU to reflect on the low turnout seen across the union.

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The result, Meloni told RTL102.5 in her first remarks since Sunday night, was “very important politically” and “personally moving,” noting governing parties across Europe had been trounced by opposition parties, mostly from the far-right, while Italy had beaten the trend.

“Italy will have a fundamental role, our government is emboldened by this, and clearly this result isn’t a result I want to use for myself,” she said.“After two years in government, even having made difficult choices, all [Italian] center-right parties have grown together,” she noted. “Italians wanted us to give a very clear message - continue doing the work.”

Meloni heads up a coalition of her own Brothers of Italy, Matteo Salvini’s League and Antonio Tajani’s Forza Italia, the party founded by the late Silvio Berlusconi. While her party surged in the polls, with a projected 28.8% of the vote, her two coalition partners didn’t, failing to break through the 10% threshold.

The opposition also surged, with the left-wing Democratic Party projected to be runner-up with about 24% of the vote.

“There’s a push for less ideological, more pragmatic policies,” she said. “We need a EU that pries less in people’s lives, that tackles the big questions, which is exactly what we have pitched Italians.”

“Many citizens don’t consider the EU as important, but it is,” she added. “The EU needs to reflect on the low turnout.”Turnout in Italy was 49.6% - a record low, according to preliminary data.

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