ITV The Chase fans hit out at 'disgusting' Coronation Street question on Hayley Cropper

Darragh 'The Menace' Ennis appears on The Chase as a quiz expert

Fans of ITV's The Chase have criticised what they perceive as 'disgusting behaviour' following a question about Coronation Street. Viewers noticed a repeated answer in the latest episode, which some found distasteful.

Trisha, a soon-to-be grandmother from Neath, South Wales, appeared on the popular quiz show and told host Bradley Walsh that any winnings would go towards supporting her pregnant daughter's preparations for her new baby. Trisha proved to be a confident contestant, securing £4k in her quickfire round.

However, when she came up against Darragh 'The Menace' Ennis, one multiple choice question sparked controversy among viewers. Trisha correctly identified that Julie Hesmondhalgh, known for her long-standing role as Hayley Cropper on Coronation Street, played Trish Winterman in Broadchurch, alongside stars such as David Tennant, Olivia Colman and Jodie Whittaker.

One viewer noted: "Hayley Cropper questions two days running". The episodes aired this week (April 30 and May 1) are repeats from previous series, making the reference to the former Corrie star a coincidence.

Another fan queried: "Do The Chase's question writers really like Hayley Cropper or something? ". A third quipped: "Hayley Cropper question again while poor Roy is in prison? Disgusting behaviour! ", reports the Liverpool Echo.

Julie Hesmondhalgh played the role of Haley between 1998 and 2014.
-Credit:Jo Hale/Getty Images

Roy Cropper, a beloved character on the ITV soap, is currently embroiled in a dramatic storyline where he's been charged with the murder of teenager Lauren Bolton. Lauren disappeared earlier this year after letting an unknown person into her flat in February.

The plot has sparked controversy among viewers, with some accusing the showrunners of pushing the envelope too far by having the innocent cafe owner suffer under the weight of speculation and stress, leading to his hospitalisation in recent episodes.

On The Chase, host Bradley Walsh informed his team that they missed out on the chance to play for £144,000 by not opting for higher offers. Instead, they ended up competing for a total of £12,000, which would leave each of them with £4,000 if they won.

Darragh Ennis, one of the Chasers, acknowledged that the final round could be close due to the varied general knowledge of contestants Trisha, Becky from Rossendale, and Dan from Yeovil. He suggested they could only succeed if they "played to their full potential".

Despite being set back three times, Darragh swiftly conquered the team's score of 12 correct answers in just under 90 seconds. The Chase is broadcast on ITV and ITV X, every weekday at 5pm.