Jane McDonald lost 2.5 stone and three dress sizes by giving up one type of food

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Jane McDonald, renowned for her roles as a cruise show presenter and singer, has undergone a significant lifestyle transformation in recent years. This change was sparked by her participation in ITV's Sugar Free Farm back in 2017.

Jane confessed that she had struggled with cravings for sugary foods and wine for many years. However, she managed to drop three dress sizes by overhauling her diet on the ITV show and has maintained a healthy diet ever since.

Reflecting on her journey, she previously stated: "I always used to be hungry and was always snacking on something, but I don't have any of that now." She added: "It's because of a change in mindset. I used to live to eat, but now I eat to live."

Jane has always looked fantastic, but since shedding excess weight, she said her energy levels have significantly increased. Despite initial scepticism about participating in the show, she didn't even feel hungry within two weeks, reports the Express. This was due to swapping sugary, carb-heavy meals for more filling and nutritious ones.

Jane managed to lose 1.5 stone during her time on the Sugar Free Farm. Since leaving the show, the talented star has reportedly lost another stone and has maintained this figure since. Jane said her new approach to healthy eating was easy to slot into her lifestyle. She explained she focuses on what feeds her body to fuel her while she is on the go, rather than craving and eating the wrong foods.

Another TV personality who has shed a significant amount of weight is Gregg Wallace, reportedly losing an impressive five stone. He achieved this remarkable feat by eliminating three foods from his diet.