All About January's Full Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

January's Wolf Moon is predicted to be 'a rather joyous and exciting full moon, even if it is a bit intense,' according to celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas

January's Wolf Moon.

Keep your eyes open (and your ears peeled) around January's full moon!

This month's lunation is called the Wolf Moon, nicknamed after the howling canines that are known to be active this time of year.

The Wolf Moon marks the first full lunation of the year, expected to rise on Jan. 25 and predicted to reach its peak illumination at 9:54 a.m. PT. This anticipated lunar phase takes place a few weeks after the new moon, which occurs on Jan. 11, 2024.

Full moons boast astronomical meaning in the cosmic world. Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively that these periods "symbolize turning points, culminations, endings or awakenings," while its energy can be felt "three days before and after" its full lunation.

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January's full moon radiates in the zodiac sign of Leo, which Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — says will "turn our attention to passion and our heart’s desires," as well as "expression, creativity, fertility, children, hobbies or sports."

Overall, Thomas says this January's lunation "is a rather joyous and exciting full moon, even if it is a bit intense." This is because it will square Jupiter at the same time, which he says can "make us feel larger than life and hunger for expansion, growth and new horizons."

Fortunately, Thomas says most of the other planets are "so wonderfully aligned," meaning we can feel "social and exuberant" as well as "have opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the moment." He says this can also be "one of the most significant periods of the year" for

To find out what January's full moon could mean for you based on your zodiac sign, per Thomas' suggestions, read on!

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Getty Aries zodiac sign.
Getty Aries zodiac sign.

The Wolf Moon will make you roar, Aries (or should we say, "howl?"). Thomas says to prepare to unleash your passions and let it all out as this full lunation "will electrify your heart and spirit."

According to Thomas, this is considered "one of the best times of the year" to "recharge your love batteries." For singles, that means it's time to mingle! He says those in a relationship "can enjoy a whirlwind romance," so make some plans with your significant other and have fun.

Lastly, Thomas says this time of year might be "one of the luckiest periods of your life" if you're looking to conceive.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Getty Taurus zodiac sign.
Getty Taurus zodiac sign.

Relax, Taurus, you deserve it! Thomas says the Wolf Moon will be "encouraging you to snuggle up at home over a romantic candlelit dinner." Treat yourself!

Others may be "in the process of moving, changing their living space up or even hosting a dazzling home event," he says. "If you’d like to make any changes to your home in the year to come, now would be a perfect time to go shopping."

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Getty Gemini zodiac sign.
Getty Gemini zodiac sign.

Speak your truth, Gemini! Thomas says January's full moon "is turning up the volume on your thoughts, ideas and words" — and better yet, people are listing to what you have to say.

Thomas says other Geminis, meanwhile, could be "in the process of releasing a milestone writing, speaking, advertising or communications-related endeavor" — or rather, he predicts "a contract may pop up for you to sign."

Finally, Thomas suggests you "investigate" your own town to find "special gems" if you're craving a "change of pace." Be a tourist, enjoy!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Getty Cancer zodiac sign.
Getty Cancer zodiac sign.

Can you hear the cha-ching? Thomas says "wealth is calling your name" around this full lunation.

Thanks to the Wolf Moon, he predicts "a bountiful shift to your finances" may take place — whether that be "a new job, raise, side hustle or large check."

However, he says don't get complacent and wait for it to come to you. Make like the moon and be like a wolf... hunt it down yourself!

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Getty Leo zodiac sign.
Getty Leo zodiac sign.

Lights, camera, action, Leo! Thomas says to "step into the spotlight and treat this week like you’re on the runway" because January's full moon has the potential to "ignite your spirit and give you the courage to roar louder than ever before."

Thomas predicts "a major personal goal, dream or hope" could now be within reach. That means, if you "work towards what sets your soul on fire" because then it could "very easily be yours!"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Getty Virgo zodiac sign.
Getty Virgo zodiac sign.

Did someone say "spa-day?" Thomas says to "bust out your mud masks, lotions and scented candles," Virgo, because "it’s time to treat yourself!"

You've been putting in the work for so long, therefore, he says you deserve "a little TLC" in return. If you're feeling stressed, it's important to prioritize your health and take care of yourself.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Getty Libra zodiac sign.
Getty Libra zodiac sign.

Take center stage, Libra! Thomas says to "prepare to be surrounded by many people who love, worship and adore you" because "a major social event will likely pop up on your radar" around January's full moon.

He adds, "Single Libras will have a great chance to meet someone new or date within their network." Thomas says committed Libras, on the other hand, can "dust off their hottest outfits and circulate amongst town with their boo as a popular power couple!"

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Getty Scorpio zodiac sign.
Getty Scorpio zodiac sign.

Smell victory, Scorpio? Thomas says "everyone is watching your star skyrocket" as the Wolf Moon "could bring a significant achievement or victory your way."

If unhappy with your professional life, Thomas suggests you "use this time to go in a new direction or look for a better job that values your skills and talents."

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Getty Sagittarius zodiac sign.
Getty Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Let your spirit sing, Sagittarius! This full moon will have your mind and soul energized!

Thomas says to use the Wolf Moon's energy "like a booster rocket" to pursue "personal and intellectual growth." He also says wisdom will "be around every corner" at this time, so "find ways to welcome it in like the light of the sun."

Lastly, Thomas says travel, academics and media pursuits "could bring great fortune and happiness" at this time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Getty Capricorn zodiac sign.
Getty Capricorn zodiac sign.

It's time to reflect on your relationships, Capricorn. Are you getting everything that you require or are you doing all the heavy lifting? Thomas says the Wolf Moon will "bring out the truth."

Thomas says another way this lunation could affect you is by "drawing attention to your wealth, assets and investment portfolio." Therefore, he says to "see if there’s any way to maximize your flow to gain mega bucks!"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)


Aquarius, this full moon will have you thinking about your partnerships and relationships. Are you growing closer or are you going your separate ways?

Thomas says "happy unions" will likely "grow closer." This can be by "making long-term plans, moving in, getting engaged or being wed," he says.

However, Thomas says you may "instead decide it’s time to move on" if "there’s friction."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Getty Pisces zodiac sign.
Getty Pisces zodiac sign.

You're on the move, Pisces! This Wolf Moon will have you professionally and personally busy, but it could be an exciting time in both areas.

Thomas says this lunation "is energizing you to assess your work-life balance and streamline your productivity." Plus, he predicts "a major milestone professional project" may start to wrap up or you may "leave one job to head to the next." If unemployed, Thomas says "stars are now in favor to see a change!"

Lastly, Thomas says this Wolf Moon may make you feel "a bit tired," so take a moment to "assess your health and fitness" to ramp your energy back up!

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