Jay Slater police issue major update as 'massive search' to go ahead

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Police in Tenerife have issued a significant update in the ongoing search for missing teenager Jay Slater. The authorities are initiating a 'massive search' encompassing the 'numerous roads, trails and ravines found in Masca', the village where the 19-year-old was last sighted.

The Lancashire teen has been missing since June 17, after he vanished in the mountains of north-west Tenerife. He had spent the night at an Airbnb rental before he disappeared after 'walking off alone' in a secluded part of the Island.

Since his disappearance, extensive rescue efforts have been undertaken involving members of the Civil Guard, fire crews and mountain rescue teams in the Rural de Teno Park.

The search is now entering its twelfth day. The police spearheading the investigation previously disclosed that the search area to find missing Jay had been expanded, with specialist dog teams brought in from Madrid.

Today, June 28, the Civil Guard released a statement saying it is 'preparing and coordinating' a 'massive search' from 9am tomorrow, June 29. The search area, previously described as 'immense', is said to be around 30km wide and has been focusing on three main ravines in the Masca area, reports the Manchester Evening News.

When the search initially widened, it encompassed multiple forest trails and tracks within Buenavista del Norte municipality. According to an announcement this morning, the Civil Guard is imploring all volunteer associations to assist, including civil protection, firefighters and even private volunteers with expertise in search activities.

There was a sorrowful update on Thursday when police involved in the search for the teen suggested it was 'very unlikely' that Jay will be found alive. A reliable source from the Civil Guard stated: "No-one at the moment is talking about the search being brought to an end, even though it's very unlikely Jay has survived if he got lost in the mountains in the way we were told he did."

Jay Slater
The investigator who probed the Nicola Bulley case has offered his help to find missing teen Jay Slater. -Credit:MEN Media

This week, police affirmed that the Civil Guard are directing their searches to the north of Masca Gorge. Three separate ravines including one where it's suspected the 19 year old's phone last pinged shortly after his disappearance - are also under scrutiny.

His phone was last traced to the Rural de Teno Park, a location popular amongst hikers and located near the village of Masca.

The 'massive search' will initiate in Masca, which lies close to the rural Airbnb accommodation where Jay spent the night prior to his disappearance. Translated, the statement from the Civil Guard articulates: "The Civil Guard prepares and will coordinate a macro search to find the young British [man] missing in the town of Masca."

"The collaboration of all those volunteer associations is requested: Civil Protection, Firefighters, etc., and even private volunteers experts in the abrupt field of search. The massive raid will take place on Saturday, June 29 from 9.00 a.m."

"On the occasion of the disappearance, from the afternoon/night of June 17, of the 19-year-old British boy in the Masca area, belonging to the municipality of Buenavista del Norte, the Civil Guard is preparing to carry out a massive search."

"Taking into account that it is a steep, rocky area, full of unevenness and with a multitude of ravines, paths and paths, the collaboration of all those volunteer associations that can help in that raid that is intended to be carried out in a directed and coordinated way is requested."

"That massive search will begin on Saturday, June 29 at 9.00am., a meeting point will be established at the Mirador de la Cruz de Hilda (Masca), to start the search in a logical and orderly way in the multitude of roads, trails and ravines that are found in Masca."

"Volunteers must contact the Civil Guard by calling 696434031, before 8.00pm on Friday, June 28."