Jay Slater: Police 'keeping open mind' as rescue teams 'expand immense mountain search area'

Rescue teams have expanded their search
-Credit: (Image: Stan Kujawa)

Rescue teams have expanded their 'immense' search area and called in dogs from Madrid as the desperate efforts to find missing teenager Jay Slater continue.

The 19-year-old, from Lancashire, vanished on June 17 in the 'treacherous' mountains of the Rural de Teno Park, in the north west of the Spanish island of Tenerife.

Now in it's ninth day, the major search efforts to locate the Brit, who was on his first holiday with his friends, are continuing in the area surrounding the Masca village. Police say they are 'keeping an open mind' about what happened to him.

READ MORE Jay Slater missing in Tenerife: Six key questions that are confusing family and investigators about teenager's disappearance

The search area, originally around 30km wide and encompassing huge ravines and undergrowth within the mountainous landscape, has since been expanded, with reinforcements also called in from Madrid.

Officers from the Civil Guard’s canine unit on the island have already been searching the vast area with scent dogs, but further dogs have been brought into the operation after being flown in from Spain's central capital.

Jay Slater is missing in Tenerife
Jay Slater is missing in Tenerife -Credit:LancsLive

Search teams had been focusing on the Masca Gorge near to the spot where Jay phoned friend Lucy on Monday morning (June 17), telling her he was lost with no water and had just one per cent battery on his phone.

Civil Guard officers have now confirmed that forest trails and tracks north of the gorge in Teno Rural Park are also now being looked at as the ongoing search was expanded to other areas.

A spokesman for the force in Tenerife said: “Officers involved in the search are going over old ground in the gorge but teams are also looking at other areas such as forest trails and tracks in other parts of Buenavista del Norte.

“We’re talking about an immense area. We’re not going to go into every little new detail of the search or give a running commentary but everything possible is being done to find this missing man and we continue to keep an open mind with regards to what could have happened to him."

Police search and rescue team in the Parque Rural de Teno area
Police search and rescue team in the Parque Rural de Teno area -Credit:Stan Kujawa

Buenavista del Norte is the name of the municipality the tiny village of Masca forms part of. It is the town on the north west coast of Tenerife where Jay stopped a local to ask her about bus times.

In an update on Tuesday (June 25) officers announced more officers with sniffer dogs had joined the operation after flying in from Madrid.

A spokesman for the force added: “The Civil Guard is continuing with the search operation for the young British man who went missing near the Masca area of the municipality of Buenavista del Norte in which different units are participating.

“In addition today several dog trainers and their expert dogs who have transferred from Madrid have joined the search. These dogs are specifically trained in searching for people over large swathes of land.

"The difference is that specialisation in large expanses of land. The dogs that were already taking place in the operation were trained for searches in smaller areas.”