Jay Slater police ruled out two 'friends' too early says detective

Jay Slater cops ruled out two Brit ‘pals’ TOO EARLY, according to a British detective. A UK police expert issued a warning over the ongoing search for the missing teen, aged 19, who vanished from Tenerife, and said there are worrying signs of missed chances.

Peter Bleksley said Spanish police have "rather embarrassingly" had to rewind some parts of the probe. The Channel 4 Hunted star says the search means vital clues and chances may have been missed in the 17 days since Jay disappeared.

Bleksley believes police were too quick to dismiss the two men who took Jay back to their Airbnb following a rave in the Canary Islands holiday hotspot. He told The Sun: "In the very early stages of the investigation the Guardia Civil almost dismissively said yes, we've spoken to the two men in the vehicle, and they are 'not relevant'.

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"Well, if I'd been on this investigation I would have wanted all options to be explored to not rule anything out whatsoever. And to be able to say a sweeping statement like that so early on is very surprising." Mr Bleksley added: "So were these officers going back to the apartment over two weeks after Jay had gone missing to do some kind of forensic examination.

"If they were, that raises some very serious questions about the efficiency about the the thoroughness and about the competence of this entire investigation." Mr Bleksley said: "I think the investigation has rather embarrassingly had to rewind itself to a certain degree by sending officers back to the Airbnb.

"And there are still questions that are being raised that have not been answered in any way." He went on: "I think because the Guardia Civil so clearly put all their eggs in the one basket, in other words searching that mountainous terrain, that perhaps now they're having to rewind."