Jay Slater search map as Tenerife rescue workers concentrate on 'three ravines'

Jay Slater went missing in Tenerife
-Credit: (Image: PA)

Officials searching for a missing teenager are concentrating efforts on three ravines close to where he was last heard from. Jay Slater, 19, had travelled to Tenerife to attend a music festival.

But he has not been seen or heard from since he called a friend on Monday morning, June 17, sparking a huge amount of concern from his loved ones. Jay told his friend Lucy that he was lost and needed water before his phone cut out.

Lucy, who had travelled with him to Tenerife for a three-day music festival, said he decided to stay with some new friends he made the night before, The Mirror reports. Emergency workers have widened the area they are searching to over 30-kilometres in hopes to find the apprentice brick-layer.

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And today, Friday, June 21, officials said that they had not given up hope of finding him alive. They were focusing their search in three areas in the vicinity of Parque Rural de Teno nature reserve where Jay went missing.

They included a ravine around 100 metres below the rental property where Jay was last seen as well as in mountains between Masca and San Jose, and Masca and Las Portelas. A search and rescue worker said: "We are concentrating our search in three ravines, over an area of at least 30 square kilometres.

"We still have hope he’s alive - up until the last moment when the last hope is lost. We’ve been up and down but, until now, nothing. We haven’t found anything. This morning we concentrated on searching from down below up Masca, along the path until it almost reaches the ravine, at the high part, without finding anything.

"Now the second part has been this path that goes up and almost reaches Las Portelas (hills), the high part of Las Portelas trail and nothing was found either. We’ve been to the ravine to see where he supposedly took his last selfie and downward from there.

"The truth is we feel a bit frustrated because we can’t find him. It’s so big here that it’s very difficult to search in such a steep area. But we’re doing everything we can. We’re waiting this afternoon for the drone units to come one more time to do a flight over the area, and the search dogs again too. It’s a very difficult area to search. Just because it’s so steep."

Jay's mum Debbie Duncan flew out to the island on Tuesday, June 18, from her home in Lancashire. She expressed concern about her son possibly being drunk and unable to look after himself when he disappeared.

She said was worried Jay "didn’t have his wits about him", adding although Jay is "not really a drinker", on the last night of the three-day rave event in Tenerife, he had been drinking spirits.