Jay Slater's heartbroken mum issues new plea as police find 'no evidence of crime'

Jay Slater's family are not giving up hope on finding him two-weeks after he went missing on the island of Tenerife. The 19-year-old had travelled there to attend a three-day music festival.

But he was driven to an Airbnb with two men he met one night and planned to walk back to his accommodation the following morning, it is reported. He told this to his friend, Lucy Law, on the morning of Monday, June 17, before his phone ran out of battery.

The apprentice brick-layer, who is from Lancashire, has not been seen since. A large search was called off on Sunday, June 30, and police have reportedly found no evidence of a crime.

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A source close to the family told The Mirror: "The family want to be sure the police aren’t giving up on Jay. They are in constant contact with them about the case.”

Former British police detective Mark Williams-Thomas, who is helping the family, previously said: "They have been talking to the police most days and are speaking to them again today."

Missing teen Jay Slater
Missing teen Jay Slater -Credit:Instagram

The summit, which is believed to have taken place by phone, came as detectives announced they have found no evidence of a crime in relation to Jay's disappearance and are treating it as a missing persons inquiry.

As is standard procedure in Spain, the force have reported to a court, which has opened a routine judicial investigation, which yesterday released details of the case, including that Jay was formally reported missing to the police “between 6pm and 8pm” on June 17.

A judicial source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: “There is no evidence of criminality at this stage in this case. That’s not to say things won’t change because the case remains open and investigations are ongoing. But right now that’s the situation."

Another source said: “The Civil Guard don’t have to tell the judge about everything officers are doing, but will be keeping her updated on case progress and of course update her on any significant developments.”

Jay's family, including mum Debbie and dad Warren, have vowed to stay in Tenerife until Jay is found.