Jeers As Sanders Urges Support For Clinton

Bernie Sanders has urged his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton in order to block Donald Trump's path to the White House.

Speaking at a meeting just hours before the Democrats opened their convention in Philadelphia to nominate his party rival, he described the Republican candidate a "demagogue".

The Vermont senator said: "We have got to defeat Donald Trump. We have got to elect Hillary Clinton and her vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine.

"Trump is a danger for the future of our country and must be defeated."

His call to elect Mrs Clinton, however, was met with boos and loud cries of "we want Bernie".

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Mr Sanders tried to calm them down: "Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in," he said, adding, "Trump is a bully and a demagogue."

Members of the crowd started screaming back: "So is Hillary. She stole the election!".

Mr Sanders has also sent emails and text messages urging his supporters not to demonstrate on the floor of the convention, categorising the request "as a personal courtesy to me".

Outside the convention, more than 50 protesters, many of whom were Sanders supporters, have been arrested.

But his plea appeared to fall on deaf ears as the convention began, with the mention of Mrs Clinton's name prompting boos from Sanders supporters who chanted "Bernie, Bernie".

The jeers underscored the deeply felt anger his convention delegates feel at both Mrs Clinton's win and embarrassing emails leaked on Friday.

They suggest insiders tried to prevent Mr Sanders winning the democratic nomination.

The Democratic National Committee has apologised to Mr Sanders for the "inexcusable" emails.

A statement from incoming interim party leader, Donna Brazile, and six other officials said: "On behalf of everyone at the DNC, we want to offer a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email."

The party also said the comments in the emails "do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process".

Mr Sanders brought the loudest cheers when he noted that Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a senator from Florida, had stepped down over the emails.

He said: "Her resignation opens up the possibility of new leadership at the top of the Democratic Party."

He added the leadership should be made up of "people who want real change".

According to a CNN/ORC opinion poll, Mr Trump has a three-point lead over Mrs Clinton, 48% to her 45%.

Sixty-eight year-old Mrs Clinton, a former first lady and US senator, will be the first woman nominated for president by a major American political party.

She waged a months-long battle to defeat the unexpectedly tough challenge from 74-year-old Mr Sanders.

She will formally accept the nomination on Thursday.

President Barack Obama's wife Michelle Obama was among those due to speak on the first evening of the convention.