Trump, Michael Jackson and a ‘well-known PM’ named in Epstein court files

Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell in a photograph said to have been taken in London in 2001
Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell in a photograph said to have been taken in London in 2001 - GETTY IMAGES

Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson and Stephen Hawking are among the names identified in newly released court filings related to convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The names were revealed as part of a tranche of documents released by a judge in New York that could name more than 170 anonymous individuals associated with Epstein.

Others named in the documents include Donald Trump, Alan Dershowitz and a “well-known prime minister”. All have denied any wrongdoing.

In one file, Ghislaine Maxwell told her lawyers in an email that she was worried about being questioned on her relationship with Prince Andrew.

‌‌In a message to her attorney and PR consultant, Maxwell said she was concerned about “more questions” over her “relationship to [Bill] clinton” and “Andrew”.

Other revelations so far include:

  • Epstein said Clinton ‘likes them young, referring to girls’, according to an alleged victim of the financier

  • Epstein suggested calling Donald Trump before a trip to Atlantic City, an alleged victim claimed

  • Johanna Sjoberg claims pop star Michael Jackson visited Epstein’s house

More files are set to be released and the disclosures may throw new light on the sex trafficking network directed by Epstein, who died in 2019, and his one-time girlfriend Maxwell.

05:57 AM GMT

What we found out overnight

That’s all for our live coverage overnight. Here’s a summary of what we learnt so far, according to newly released files:

05:07 AM GMT

Epstein offered money to disprove Hawking allegation

Jeffrey Epstein told Ghislaine Maxwell she could offer money to Virginia Giuffre’s friends if they could “help prove” her allegations “were false”, newly released filings suggest.

In an email written in 2015, the financier suggested that Ms Giuffre had claimed Professor Stephen Hawking participated in an “underage orgy”.

And in the same message, Mr Epstein told the British socialite the “strongest” claim was that Bill Clinton had dined on Epstein’s private island - a site the former US President has adamantly denied.

Read more: Jeffrey Epstein offered money to disprove Stephen Hawking ‘orgy’ allegation

04:07 AM GMT

Maxwell feared being quizzed about Duke relationship in email

Ghislaine Maxwell’s email to her lawyers in which she said she was concerned about being questioned on her relationship with Prince Andrew came days after Virginia Giuffre went public with allegations that she had been sex trafficked by Maxwell to have sex with the Duke, according to a court filing.

Her allegations prompted dozens of Epstein’s victims to come forward and partly resulted in his arrest for sex trafficking in July 2019.

Maxwell has since been jailed for 20 years in the US for conspiring with Epstein to sexually abuse minors.

Read more: Ghislaine Maxwell feared being quizzed about Prince Andrew relationship in email

03:56 AM GMT

Epstein wanted to stifle Stephen Hawking orgy allegation

Paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein was ready to reward one of his victim’s friends if they could “prove her allegations false” - including that Professor Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy, court documents have revealed.

An email from Epstein to disgraced British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell showed he was content for her to “issue a reward” to any of Virginia Giuffre’s friends to counter her claims, shortly after she filed a civil claim in the US in 2015.

The email read: “You can issue a reward to any of Virginia’s friends, acquaints, family that come forward and help prove her allegations are false.

“The strongest is the Clinton dinner, and the new version in the Virgin Islands that Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy.”

Stephen Hawking in 2016
Stephen Hawking in 2016 - GETTY IMAGES

03:15 AM GMT

Epstein told accuser that Clinton ‘likes them young’, court file claims

Jeffrey Epstein told one of his alleged victims that Bill Clinton “likes them young”, according to newly-released court filings, Tony Diver and Fiona Parker write.

Johanna Sjoberg, who claims she was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell to perform sex acts on Epstein, said that “one time” the pair had discussed the former president.

In a deposition taken under oath in May 2016, Ms Sjoberg said Epstein once told her that “Clinton likes them young, referring to girls”.

Read more: Jeffrey Epstein told his accuser Bill Clinton ‘likes them young’, court documents claim

02:37 AM GMT

Jane Doe 3 claims she was forced to sleep with Dershowitz

A victim identified as Jane Doe #3 alleged she was forced to have sexual relations with former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz in a 2014 filing.

The document also alleged Mr Dershowitz was an eye-witness to the sexual abuse of other minors.

Mr Dershowitz has denied all wrongdoing.

In 2022 Virginia Giuffre dropped her defamation lawsuit against Mr Dershowitz – claiming she may have made a “mistake” in identifying him as one of the men she was forced to have sex with.

Alan Dershowitz has denied all wrongdoing
Alan Dershowitz has denied all wrongdoing - AP

02:33 AM GMT

Epstein ‘trafficked victim to well-known prime-minister’

Epstein trafficked victims “for sexual purposes” to powerful men including a “well-known prime minister” and other world leaders, according to a 2014 filing.

The convicted sex offender used “politically-connected and financially-powerful people” to “integrate himself with them for business, personal, political, and financial gain, as well as to obtain potential blackmail information”, the document states.

Epstein trafficked the victim, named as Jane Doe #3, to men “including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders”, it states.

The billionaire would allegedly ask her to “describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially blackmail them”.

02:30 AM GMT

Michael Jackson visited Epstein's house, alleged victim claims

An alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim claimed the late pop star Michael Jackson visited the financier’s home in Palm Beach.

Johanna Sjoberg was asked by lawyers about whether she had met several celebrities and politicians.

“I met Michael Jackson,” Ms Sjoberg said as part of a deposition.

When asked where she met the singer, she said: “At his [Epstein’s] house in Palm Beach.

Ms Sjoberg said she did not give Mr Jackson a massage.

Michael Jackson died in 2009
Michael Jackson died in 2009 - PA

02:27 AM GMT

Brunel ‘provided passports for 12-year-old girls to work as models in US’

Jean Luc Brunel provided passports for girls as young as 12 to “work” as models in the US, according to a 2014 court filing.

Brunel committed suicide last year while he was being investigated for rape and supplying girls to Epstein.

The court filing states Jane Doe #3 was trafficked to Brunel and forced to have sex with him “on numerous occasions”.

“Epstein forced Jane Doe #3 to observe him, Brunel and Maxwell engage in illegal sexual acts with dozens of underage girls”, it adds.

“He would bring young girls (ranging to ages as young as twelve) to the United States for sexual purposes and farm them out to his friends, especially Epstein”, the filing states.

The young girls allegedly often came from poor countries or impoverished backgrounds.

02:22 AM GMT

Epstein ‘asked if someone could find some girls for celebrity hairstylist’

Jeffrey Epstein asked if someone could “find some girls” for celebrity hairstylist Frédéric Fekkai, an alleged victim of the late financier has claimed.

Deposition documents detail how Johanna Sjoberg was asked whether she ever heard the billionaire financier talking to Mr Fekkai.

Ms Sjoberg said: “I heard him call someone, and say, ‘Fekkai is in Hawaii. Can we find some girls for him?’”

When asked what her reaction was to this, Ms Sjoberg said: “Well, I was massaging and I didn’t have a reaction. I tried to remain reactionless the whole five years.”

Mr Fekkai has styled the hair of many celebrities including several actresses and models.

02:14 AM GMT

Jane Doe 3 claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in orgy with other under-aged girls

Maxwell had connections to “powerful individuals with whom she could connect Epstein” including Prince Andrew, according to a 2014 court filing.

The filing alleges that Jane Doe #3 was kept as a sex slave by Epstein and “forced to have sexual relations with this Prince when she was a minor in three separate geographical locations: in London (at Ghislaine Maxwell’s apartment), in New York, and on Epstein’s private island in the US Virgin Islands (in an orgy with numerous other under-aged girls).”

Epstein instructed her to “give the Prince whatever he demanded and required Jane Doe #3 to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse”, according to the document.

It stated Maxwell “facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a ‘madame’ for Epstein”.

The Duke has previously denied wrongdoing. He settled his civil case with Virginia Giuffre out of court in 2022 with no admission of guilt.

02:07 AM GMT

David Copperfield asked me if ‘girls were getting paid to find girls’, says Sjoberg

American magician David Copperfield asked an alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim if she knew whether “girls were getting paid to find girls”, it has been claimed.

Johanna Sjoberg described how the world’s highest-paid illusionist had performed magic tricks at the financier’s home.

Deposition documents detail how Ms Sjoberg was told that if she came over one evening for a dinner that she would meet Mr Copperfield.

She claimed she arrived before the magician and that Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant was there, along with “another girl”.

Describing her, Ms Sjoberg said “she seemed young to me” and when she didn’t recognise the name of the school or college the unknown girl claimed she attended, she added: “I had to assume for my own sanity she was a daughter of one of his friends.”

When asked if it was possible that the school could have been a “high school”, she said “yes”.

Ms Sjoberg went on to say that during dinner Mr Copperfield “did some magic tricks” and that she took him to be a “friend of Jeffrey Epstein’s”.

However, when asked if the magician ever discussed Epstein’s involvement with young girls with her, Ms Sjoberg said: “He questioned me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls.”

The lawyers asked if Mr Copperfield told Ms Sjoberg “any specifics of that” or “whether they were teenagers or anything along those lines?”

Ms Sjoberg answered “No” and “He did not” to both of these questions respectively.

The illusionist David Copperfield
The illusionist David Copperfield - AP

01:59 AM GMT

Sex toys ‘were left in the sink’

Epstein would have several massages a day, Juan Alessi, his maintenance man said.

Mr Alessi, who worked for Epstein for 11 years, said he had seen up to 200 different massage therapists during his time working for the billionaire.

At least one of the girls was 16 or 17.

Guests were also offered massages, although Epstein was looked after by a masseuse for the overwhelming majority of the time.

The massage room was equipped with oil and a vibrator, as well as a lot of towels, Mr Alessi added. Sex toys were left in the sink and in Maxwell’s closet.

01:57 AM GMT

Court website crashes due to possible server overload

Following the release of documents relating to Epstein, Virginia Giuffre, one of the paedophile financier’s victims, posted to X, noting one site where the files were being released had crashed.

She wrote: “We broke the website”.

Court Listener crashed within minutes, warning visitors that the server might be overloaded.

01:46 AM GMT

Trump and Prince Andrew used to call Epstein at home, says housekeeper

Alfredo Rodriguez, who worked as Epstein’s housekeeper, described himself as a “human ATM machine”, tasked with buying gifts for the girls brought to satisfy his boss.

He named several prominent people who were hosted by Epstein including prominent New York lawyers and the magician David Copperfield.

Although he never saw Prince Andrew at the house, Mr Rodriguez said the Duke would call about once a week.

Donald Trump, who Mr Rodriguez never saw at the house, also used to ring.

The masseuses who were brought to the house were very young, but he could not tell whether they were underage.

Mr Rodriguez also said he saw pictures of women having sex on Maxwell’s computer.

Donald Trump with then-girlfriend Melania, Epstein and Maxwell in 2000
Donald Trump with then-girlfriend Melania, Epstein and Maxwell in 2000 - GETTY IMAGES

01:34 AM GMT

Giuffre claims she had sex with Thomas Pritzker

Virginia Giuffre claims she had sex on one occasion with billionaire businessman, Thomas Pritzker, a member of the famous philanthropic family.

During a deposition on May 5, 2016, she was asked if she had sex with the now 73-year-old.

“If I were to ask you the question, how many times have you had sex with Tom Pritzker do you know what that question means,” she was asked by a lawyer.

“I believe so,” she replied.

“All right. And what is the answer to that question?”

Ms Giuffre replied: “I believe I was with Tom once.”

She was then asked: “If I asked you the question, were you sexually trafficked to foreign president, do you understand what that question means?”

Ms Giuffre said it meant she was “lent out for the purpose of sex to a foreign president.”

“All right. And what’s the answer?” the lawyer asked.


Ms Giuffre said she did not know the president’s name but believed he was “Spanish”, and was tall and had dark hair. This is the first time either Mr Pritzker or a foreign president have been named in association with the case. Mr Pritzker has previously denied the allegation, which a representative for him said was “false and isolated”.

01:21 AM GMT

Maxwell denies giving Giuffre ‘outfit of a sexual nature’

Maxwell denied providing Virginia Giuffre with “an outfit of a sexual nature” to wear for former Victoria’s Secret chief executive Leslie Wexner.

“I think we addressed the outfit issue”, Maxwell said in a deposition.

She was then asked again: “I am asking you if you ever provided her with an outfit of a sexual nature to wear for Les Wexner?”

Maxwell responded: “Categorically, no. You did get that, I said categorically no.”

Maxwell also said she had visited Mr Wexner in the mid 90s and had communicated with people who worked for him.

She denied that she had been in contact with Mr Wexner about the defamation lawsuit.

01:16 AM GMT

Duke visited Epstein's island, says Maxwell

Maxwell said Prince Andrew visited Epstein’s island but there were no underage girls present.

Asked whether she was present on the island when the Duke of York had visited, she said “yes”.

When questioned about how many times he had visited, she said: “I can only remember once”.

Asked if there were any girls under the age of 18 on the island at the time, Maxwell said: “There were no girls on the island at all. No girls, no women, other than the staff who work at the house. Girls meaning, I assume you are asking underage, but there was nobody female outside of the cooks and the cleaners.”

Little St James, Epstein's island
Little St James, Epstein's island - REUTERS

01:13 AM GMT

Maxwell denies Brunel brought underage girls to Epstein

Maxwell denied claims French model agent Jean Luc Brunel had brought underage foreign girls to Epstein’s home “for the purposes of providing massages”.

Luc Brunel committed suicide last year after he was charged with securing girls and young women for the billionaire paedophile.

In a 2016 deposition, Maxwell said: “I am not aware of Jean Luc bringing girls. I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Maxwell was also asked whether as part of her duties for Epstein she arranged for Virginia Giuffre to have sex with Luc Brunel, allegations she denied.

“Just for the record, I have never at any time, at anyplace, in any moment ever asked Virginia Roberts or whatever she is called now to have sex with anybody.”

Maxwell, Epstein and Brunel pictured together on a private jet
Maxwell, Epstein and Brunel pictured together on a private jet - PA

01:02 AM GMT

Epstein ‘suggested calling Trump before trip to Atlantic City’

Jeffrey Epstein suggested calling Donald Trump ahead of a visit to a casino in Atlantic City, an alleged victim of the financier claimed.

Deposition documents detail how Johanna Sjoberg described a planned trip to New York with Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Virginia Giuffre.

However, Ms Sjoberg told lawyers the flight was later diverted to Atlantic City - prompting Epstein to suggest calling Trump.

Ms Sjoberg told lawyers: “As we were flying, Jeffrey said, ‘Why don’t you go sit in the cockpit to check out the landing?’

“So we were sitting there, and the pilots told me to go back and tell him that we can’t land in New York and that we were going to have to land in Atlantic City.”

Ms Sjoberg added: “Jeffrey said, ‘Great, we’ll call up Trump and we’ll go to’ – I don’t recall the name of the casino, but – ‘we’ll go to the casino’.

01:01 AM GMT

Maxwell does not know if she introduced Sjoberg to Andrew

Asked whether she had introduced Johanna Sjoberg to Prince Andrew in a 2016 deposition, Maxwell said: “I’ve, again, read that Johanna claimed that she met or that she said she met Prince Andrew. I don’t know if I was the one who made the introduction or not.”

12:59 AM GMT

Maxwell asked if she instructed Giuffre to massage Dubin

Maxwell was asked during a deposition whether she ever instructed Virginia Giuffre to have sex with American hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin and whether she ever sent her to his condo to give him a massage.

Denying the claims, Maxwell said: “I have never instructed Virginia to have sex with anybody ever.”

She was also asked if she instructed Johanna Sjoberg to massage Mr Dubin, to which she replied: “I don’t believe – I have no recollection of it.”

Glenn Dubin with his wife Eva Andersson-Dubin
Glenn Dubin with his wife Eva Andersson-Dubin - WIREIMAGE

12:45 AM GMT

Sjoberg claims Maxwell asked her to bring other girls for Epstein

In her deposition Johanna Sjoberg described how Ghislaine Maxwell asked her to bring other girls for Epstein.

She said she was paid after she found a girl who agreed to come to Epstein’s home, but eventually her services were not required.

She once brought a fitness instructor who was groped by Epstein, who later said he had taken the woman’s virginity.

Ms Sjoberg testified that on one occasion, Ghislaine Maxwell became angry with her for not “finishing your job” and ended up “having to bring Epstein to orgasm when Ms Sjoberg did not”.

Ms Sjoberg added that she was asked to find more girls to take the pressure off Maxwell.

“She said she doesn’t have the time or desire to please him as much as he needs, and that’s why there were  other girls around.

Epstein and Maxwell
Epstein and Maxwell

12:39 AM GMT

Epstein said Clinton ‘likes them young’, Sjoberg claims

Jeffrey Epstein claimed Bill Clinton “liked them young”, an alleged victim of the late financier told lawyers.

Deposition documents released today detail how Johanna Sjoberg was asked if she knew Bill Clinton was a friend of Epstein.

Ms Sjoberg said: “I knew he had dealings with Bill Clinton.

“I did not know they were friends until I read the 15 Vanity Fair article about them going to Africa together.”

And when asked if Epstein had ever talked about Clinton, Ms Sjoberg said: “He said one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.”

Ms Sjoberg, now 43, also claimed that Prince Andrew had groped her during a bizarre incident involving a Spitting Image puppet at Epstein’s Manhattan home.

Johanna Sjoberg
Johanna Sjoberg

12:35 AM GMT

Maxwell ‘sure’ Clinton ate on Epstein’s plane

Maxwell said she was “sure” Bill Clinton had eaten a meal on Epstein’s plane.

The convicted sex offender asked about her relationship with former US president and his then close aide Doug Band during a 2016 deposition.

Maxwell said: “just so we are clear, the allegations that Clinton had a mean on Jeffrey’s island is 100 per cent false.”

Asked whether he had had a meal on Epstein’s plane, she said: “I’m sure he had a meal on Jeffrey’s plane”, but she said she did not know how many times he had flown on it.

Maxwell was also asked about her relationship with Mr Band.

Asked how she knew him she said: “He used to or still works for Bill Clinton.”

She added: “I was friends with Doug but you are suggesting something more so I want to be clear what you are actually asking me.”

Maxwell also said she could not remember where she stayed on a trip with Mr Clinton.

She said: “I recollect the trip but if you’re asking me where we stayed , you can see it’s a very fast paced trip.”

12:13 AM GMT

Maxwell email mentions Prince Andrew and Clinton

Exhibit 4 posted by the court features an email which appears to have been sent by Ghislaine Maxwell to Philip Barden and Ross Glow in January 2015.

The email ends with an apparent reference to Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton.

“I have already suffered such a terrible and painful loss over the last few days that I can’t even see what life after press he’ll even looks like - statements that don’t address all just lead to more questions .. what is my relationship to clinton ? Andrew on and on. Let’s rest till monday. I need head space.”

Ghislaine implored Mr Barton and Mr Glow to contact Epstein’s lawyer. “See what you can under.stand from him and pehaps craft something in conjunction with him?”

11:59 PM GMT

NY district court releases documents

A tranche of documents have just been released by the New York court.

Our reporters are going through them and will post the latest news here.

11:39 PM GMT

Prince Andrew not expecting to be named extensively

The documents are set to include the names of about 170 associates of Jeffrey Epstein.

Those concerning Prince Andrew are widely expected to relate to the testimony of Johanna Sjoberg, who has claimed she was with the Duke and Ms Giuffre at Epstein’s New York mansion in 2001.

Ms Giuffre has alleged that the gathering marked one of the occasions she was forced to have sex with the Duke.

Evidence from other victims may support Ms Giuffre’s claims, according to ABC News.

The Duke has vehemently denied wrongdoing. He settled his civil case with Ms Giuffre out of court in 2022 with no admission of guilt.

The Duke is understood to feel sanguine about the impending developments and is not expecting to be named extensively.

Read more: Prince Andrew braced for fresh controversy as new Epstein court files released

10:41 PM GMT

The fall of Ghislaine Maxwell

In 2021 the world witnessed a fall from grace so staggering that if it appeared in the dynastic drama Succession, it would seem far-fetched.

Ghislaine Maxwell, the gilded girl, who grew up in a 53-room mansion in Oxford, is spending both the autumn and the winter of her life in prison, after a unanimous jury found her guilty of “one of the worst crimes imaginable – facilitating and participating in the sexual abuse of children”.

Writing for The Telegraph in 2021, two days after Maxwell was found guilty on five sex trafficking-related counts, Anna Pasternak says the socialite was glamorous, cold and calculating – but she was never a girls’ girl and it was always men who defined her.

Read more: How the Ghislaine Maxwell I knew thought she was untouchable


09:55 PM GMT

Why now?

The unsealing of a tranche of documents is the culmination of a five-year legal battle between the court and the Miami Herald.

The 2015 defamation lawsuit brought against Ghislaine Maxwell by Virginia Giuffre settled out of court the following year. But the judge overseeing the case ruled the documents should remain sealed.

The local paper filed a lawsuit in 2018 calling for details including the names of those mentioned to be released.

While a raft of the material was unsealed in August 2019 and documents released in a piecemeal fashion since, this is the first time a slew of names will be included in the filings.

The files stem from a lawsuit brought by Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell in 2015
The files stem from a lawsuit brought by Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell in 2015 - AP

08:50 PM GMT

Who is expected to be named?

Many of the dozens of people set to uncloaked in the documents have already been identified, including several who became public during the 2021 trial of Ghislaine Maxwell.

Around 150 names are set to be made public, as of the 187 anonymised “J Doe” entries, several refer to the same person and include people who are now dead.

Appearing in court documents is by no means a sign of wrongdoing, but fresh details about Jeffrey Epstein’s associates could help bring further lawsuits against his co-conspirators.

It is thought the un-redacted documents could be released in dribs and drabs over a number of days.

While thousands of pages of documents have been released since 2018, these have often been heavily redacted. This week’s release is expected to have minor redactions, and could help to piece together details about those in the disgraced billionaire’s orbit.

The judge ruled three people named in the documents who are not victims were allowed to remain anonymous because they are “classic outsiders peripheral to the events at issue” who are not associated with Epstein and Maxwell.

Epstein and Maxwell pictured together in a photograph released during Maxwell's trial in 2022
Epstein and Maxwell pictured together in a photograph released during Maxwell's trial in 2022 - PA

08:44 PM GMT

TV host Kimmel threatens to sue NFL star over Epstein slur

Jimmy Kimmel has threatened to sue NFL star Aaron Rodgers who accused him of being linked to Jeffrey Epstein.

Rodgers said the US TV host should be “scared” of being named on a list of about 170 associates of Epstein set to be released by a US court.

Kimmel hit back by calling the New York Jets player a “soft-brained wacko” and denied ever having had contact with the paedophile billionaire financier.

“Your reckless words put my family in danger,” he said. “Keep it up and we will debate the facts further in court.”

Read more: Jimmy Kimmel calls NFL star Aaron Rodgers a ‘soft-brained wacko’

Jimmy Kimmel, left, accused Aaron Rodgers of talking “nonsense”
Jimmy Kimmel, left, accused Aaron Rodgers of talking “nonsense”

08:36 PM GMT

Two ‘J Does’ ask judge not to unseal their files

Two of the “J Does” listed in the court documents have asked Judge Loretta Preska to keep their files sealed.

One, a woman, said that unsealing the papers would cause her physical harm in her home country.

According to the court records, the woman has already received hate mail.

She also told the court she lives in a “culturally conservative country” and fears the consequences of her name being released.

Judge Preska was told that the Miami Herald had already agreed to the woman’s plea for her identity not to be disclosed.

The judge has given her until January 22 to provide evidence of the threat she faces.

The appeal from a second J Doe is still being considered by the court.

07:00 PM GMT

Prince Andrew braced for fresh controversy

The Duke of York is braced for fresh controversy as a US court prepares to release a tranche of documents relating to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

Read more here

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