Jeremy Clarkson Has Fired Off His Annual A Level Result Day Tweet And It's As Divisive As Ever

Jeremy Clarkson at the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain last month
Jeremy Clarkson at the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain last month

Jeremy Clarkson at the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain last month

They say there are only a few things in this life we can truly depend on. Death. Taxes. And Jeremy Clarkson sharing near-identical versions of the same social media post on A Level results day.

Each year, as people up and down the country discover how they’ve done in their final A Level exams, the divisive former Top Gear host takes the opportunity to remind people of his own grades, usually accompanied by some class of brag.

In 2021, for example, he took a moment to tell everyone about his new Bentley.

The following year, it was his holiday snaps.

And this year? It’s accompanied by a message about his own brewery.

Because the tweet has become such a predictable part of the A Level results day news cycle, plenty of people were standing by for it over on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Thursday morning:

Meanwhile, others pointed out that Clarkson had some rather sizeable privilege on his side to help him get where he is today:

Clarkson has been at the centre of controversy on a number of occasions in the past 12 months – most notably over a newspaper column he wrote about Meghan Markle towards the end of last year.

In the piece, Clarkson described how much he “hates” the Duchess of Sussex on a “cellular level”.

Making reference to a scene from Game Of Thrones, the presenter also claimed that he “dreamed” of the day she’d be “made to parade naked through the streets” while crowds “throw lumps of excrement at her”.

The article became the most complained-about in press regulator Ipso’s history, with the organisation later launching an investigation.

Almost a month after its publication, Clarkson apologised publicly to both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and claimed he’d also emailed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex over Christmas to say sorry to them privately.

However, a subsequent statement issued by the couple’s spokesperson claimed that Clarkson had only written to Prince Harry, and not to Meghan.