Jeremy Clarkson kickstarts food boom after featuring product on Amazon Prime show

Jeremy Clarkson with Pepper
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Amazon Prime Video))

Jeremy Clarkson has reportedly kickstarted a food boom, this time surrounding mushrooms. The boisterous presenter has helped create a 450% jump in Google searches for Lion's Mane mushrooms after growing them on his Amazon show - Clarkson's Farm.

Scientific studies have suggested that eating these distinctive mushrooms can enhance cognition and overall health whilst improving focus. On the program, Clarkson's partner, Lisa Hogan suggests turning these unique fungi into powdered supplements.

To display its use, she shares: "I put it in my coffee every morning and it's like spearmint going through my whole head, your whole mind opens up and you're really clear thinking. It's amazing."

"Everyone who's anyone takes lion's mane," she adds confidently. Unfortunately, his venture of setting up the Diddly Squat Farm Shop received a setback due to failing to meet necessary health and safety regulations. This hiccup; nonetheless, resulted in peaking public interest, reports the Express.

The boost wasn't only recorded on Google but also reflected separately in Ocado data, which showed searches for Lion's Mane mushroom soaring by 482% within a week. Clarkson's influence extends beyond mushrooms. There has been an evident surge in various food types following their feature on the show.

Pork sausages, in particular, have seen rising popularity after The Grand Tour star introduced pigs, with specific products from M&S Select Farms and The Black Farmer Wiltshire recording significant demand growth.

Martha Springham, the produce trading manager at Ocado Retail, praised programmes like Clarkson's Farm for highlighting the dedication of British farmers. However, not all has gone smoothly.

During the previous series, Clarkson alerted viewers to a potential hazard with his Hawkstone Cider, cautioning on X: "There's been a massive cock up and as a result, there's a very slim chance some of our Hawkstone CIDER bottles might, there's no easy way of saying this, explode."

He added an apology: "Really sorry about this but on the upside, the beer is fine and still delicious." Filming for a fourth series of Clarkson's Farm is currently underway.