Jimmy Kimmel Calls Trump vs Biden ‘A Choice Between Mr. Burns and Mr. Magoo’ (Video)

Jimmy Kimmel isn’t worried about the recent polls showing President Joe Biden losing ground in popular support to multiple-indicted ex-President Donald Trump. As the ABC host sarcastically noted during his monologue on Monday, polls conducted a year before an election are “always super accurate. Just ask President Hillary Clinton.”

But he did take a moment to poke holes in the idea that support for Trump is somehow related to Biden’s age. While Biden is 80 years old, Kimmel conceded, Trump is only 3 years younger.

“This isn’t a choice between some old codger and a young up and comer. This is a choice between Mr. Burns and Mr. Magoo,” he quipped. You can watch the whole monologue at the top of the page now.

For background, a New York Times/Sienna poll asking about next year’s presidential election found Trump leading in several battleground states. Of course it’s a year out, and previous people who were behind in polls at this point ended up winning. That’s in addition to Trump’s baggage. Which means, chances are good this latest poll doesn’t provide anything useful at all about how things will go next year.

“We are now less than a year away from a Presidential election, and somebody’s got to do something, I don’t know if you saw this poll in the New York Times that scared that hell out of everybody, but Trump is ahead of Biden in five of the six battleground states,” Kimmel said as he brought the topic up.

“Which is something I can barely wrap my head around. It’s like if after ‘Return of the Jedi,’ the people in the galaxy were like, ‘You know this Princess Leia’s kind of a dud, why don’t we give The Emperor another shot?,'” Kimmel continued.

“But according to the poll, voters under 30 only favor Joe Biden over Trump by a single point. It’s that close. Young voters are said to be disenchanted with Biden’s positions on climate change and Palestinian rights. And so, they’re leaning towards a guy who believes in neither of those things at all,” Kimmel noted (correctly, by the way).

“A lot of it is about age.  Everyone says Biden’s old, he’s old, which is — yeah, he is old. But I want to remind you, Biden is 80, Trump is 77. They’re basically the same age. This isn’t a choice between some old codger and a young up and comer. This is a choice between Mr. Burns and Mr. Magoo, okay?” Kimmel went on.

“I guess the good news is, if there is any good news, we still have a long way to go.  Maybe by next year, Biden will be younger? I don’t know,” Kimmel continued.

“And remember, as hard as this is to believe, polling a year ahead of an election is always super accurate. If you don’t believe me, just ask President Hillary Clinton,” Kimmel concluded.

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