Jimmy Kimmel Shows Just How Much Everyone Hates Ted Cruz

Jimmy Kimmel said there’s one issue that really unites many Americans.

“Nobody likes Ted Cruz,” he declared on Thursday night.

Yet despite that unpopularity, Sen. Cruz was called in to help Herschel Walker, the embattled Republican candidate for senator in Georgia.

“You know your campaign’s in trouble when somebody picks up a phone and says, ’Get us Ted Cruz right away,” Kimmel said.

Kimmel also pointed out that Cruz (R-Texas) was met with a chorus of boos at the Houston Astros’ World Series parade.

“People booing nonstop,” Kimmel noted as the video rolled. “No one has ever been booed at a World Series parade before. It’s historic.”

Kimmel added:

“Nobody likes Ted Cruz, and yet somehow he’s still out there, doing his thing. He’s like the senator version of Nickelback. It’s inexplicable.”

See more in his Thursday night monologue:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.