Who is James Robart, the 'so-called' judge who blocked Donald Trump's travel ban, and what happens next?

President Donald Trump's controversial executive order on refugees and immigration has been blocked by a federal judge. The block was upheld by an appeals court, in a ruling on Thursday night.

The key questions and answers about the ruling, and where we go from here:

What did Donald Trump’s travel ban do?

Mr Trump signed an executive order on January 27 banning citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen - from the US, temporarily suspending America’s refugee programme and barring Syrian refugees from the country indefinitely.

The state department invalidated some 60,000 visas from citizens of those seven countries, travellers were held at airports around the US and thousands more were not allowed to board planes to the US.

What was the ruling and what does it mean?

A federal judge in Seattle, James Robart, ruled on February 3 that the order be suspended temporarily “on a nationwide basis”, meaning government officials had to stop enforcing it and once-banned travellers could enter the country, on the grounds that the order was causing  “immediate and irreparable injury” and may be ruled unconstitutional.

The state department reissued visas that had been invalidated, and airlines began to allow citizens of the seven countries to board planes to the US. The department of homeland security also said it would comply with the judge's order.

Who is James Robart, the judge who blocked the ban?

Judge James Robart was nominated for the federal judiciary by George W Bush in 2004, and confirmed unanimously by the Senate.

Mr Trump has referred to him as a “so-called judge”, but while the merits of his ruling are being fiercely debated in Washington his authority to issue it is clear.

In brief | Judge James Robart

Lawyers in Seattle describe Judge Robart, 69, as a disciplined “judge’s judge” who is unafraid of passing down unpopular rulings.

Michael McKay, a former United States attorney who is active in Republican politics in Washington State, told The New York Times that Judge Robart was “a smart, thoughtful guy and very even-tempered.”

“The cream rises to the top,” he said.

Jenny Durkan, another former United States attorney, who served during the Obama administration, described Judge Robart as “a very strict federal judge who believes in the rule of law.”

“I think he truly believes in the independence of the judiciary, to the marrow of his bones,” she said.

She added that Judge Robart, who earned his law degree at Georgetown University, needed to be seen in the context of the moderate Republican traditions of the Pacific Northwest.

“He was a person who valued the opinions of his colleagues,” said Chuck Riley, the current head of the law firm Lane Powell, and who worked with Judge Robart there for more than a decade. “He had an open door.”

During Senate confirmation proceedings, Mr Robart was praised for his “exceptional qualifications” by Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah, then the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“He brings a wealth of trial experience to the federal bench,” said Mr Hatch, who added that Mr Robart had helped represent “the disadvantaged” and had helped Southeast Asian refugees.

This work with refugees, and his statement that "black lives matter" in a case involving Seattle police bias, has lead critics to paint him as a "loony Leftie". 

What was the president’s reaction?

The White House issued a statement late on February 3 announcing the justice department would seek an emergency stay to reinstate the ban. The statement originally called the ruling “outrageous” but, apparently in defence to judicial independence, the word was removed.

Mr Trump was less cautious, calling the ruling “ridiculous” and vowing it would be swiftly overturned.

What happened next?

The department of justice appealed Judge Robart's ruling.

On February 6 they presented written arguments to convince a federal court that Mr Trump was within his authority to issue the ban, and that the order blocking it should be overturned.

The representatives of Washington state and Minnesota, who are behind the block of the travel ban, also presented their court documents.

On February 7 an appeals court in San Francisco heard an hour of oral testimony from both sides.

August Flentje, for the Trump administration, told the judges on the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals that the case was moving fast and the government had not yet included evidence to support the president's ban.

Judge Michelle Friedland asked if the government had connected any immigrants from those seven countries to terrorism. Mr Flentje cited the Somalis in the US tied to the al-Shabaab terrorist group - but, when pressed, was unable to give specifics.

Yet Mr Flentje said the president has the right to assess the risk to national security and based the countries listed on determinations by Congress and his predecessor in the last two years.

The judges were equally tough on the other side.

Noah Purcell, Washington state Solicitor General, told the panel that the order had harmed state residents. He said the ban has split up families, held up students trying to travel here to study and has prevented people from visiting family abroad.

After the hearing, the three judges retired to continue their deliberations. 

On February 9 they ruled against Mr Trump.

He vowed to fight on.

And now?

Mr Trump could try again in the Ninth Court.

Some legal experts say he should withdraw the executive order and start again with a tighter-worded one. But that would entail Mr Trump admitting he was wrong - something he is unlikely to do.

Ultimately the dispute is likely to ultimately be decided by the US Supreme Court.