Julia Roberts admits she 'loathed' her Notting Hill wardrobe

Julia Roberts has admitted she "loathed" her Notting Hill wardrobe.

During an interview with director Richard Curtis for British Vogue, the actress reflected on the outfits she wore while filming the 1999 romantic comedy.

In the interview, Julia told Richard, who wrote the iconic film, that she found playing a movie actress "so uncomfortable".

Richard replied, "We had issues about your costume in that film, didn't we? Where you..."

"Loathed..." Julia interrupted.

"Loathed being dressed as a movie star," the director continued. "The clothes you're wearing in the scene where you came back to Hugh (Grant) and said, 'I'm just a girl...' - am I remembering right that they were the ones you rocked up wearing in real life that morning?"

Julia then confirmed that she was wearing her own clothes in the iconic scene.

"My driver, lovely Tommy, I sent him back to my flat that morning," the Pretty Woman star explained. "I said, 'Go into my bedroom and grab this, this and this out of my closet.' And it was my own flip-flops and my cute little blue velvet skirt and a T-shirt and my cardigan."

Richard humorously replied, "I was always disappointed you weren't wearing a better costume that day."

Elsewhere in the interview, the star revealed the secret to "eternal youth".

"Pickling," Julia joked. "I put my head in the jar every other Saturday for 18 hours. It does wonders. The smell is awful."

"No - serious answer," the actress continued. "Good genes, leading a life that is fulfilling, and I have said this - and I say it usually as kind of a joke - but I do believe in the love of a good man. I believe that my husband (Daniel Moder) loves me and cares for me in a way that makes me feel deeply, deeply happy. And anytime you see someone who's happy, it doesn't matter how old they are."