Kae Kurd: ‘The funniest word? Hubris, I can't take it seriously’

The funniest standup I’ve ever seen …

Dave Chappelle or Bill Burr – I can’t choose. I saw Chappelle at Up the Creek comedy club. There was about 200 people in the crowd, Naomi Campbell was in the front row and Yasiin Bey [Mos Def] performed as well. Chappelle was just trying out material, and seeing him work out jokes was an amazing experience.

The funniest sketch I’ve ever seen …

The substitute teacher sketch on Key and Peele was hilarious as it’s usually a supply teacher coming in and pronouncing the children from different cultures’ names incorrectly. They flipped that idea on its head and played on all sorts of different stereotypes.

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The funniest film I’ve ever seen …

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence in Life. It had funny moments as well as equally moving ones, and the chemistry between them is incredible.

The funniest book I’ve ever read …

It wasn’t a book, but it was probably my own dissertation, Microbes in a Gym Environment. “When will this be useful?” I remember saying. Now who’s laughing?

The funniest TV show I’ve ever seen …

Only Fools and Horses: it didn’t have to prove a point or explore crazy topics, it was just entertaining. When you watch it it’s got that thing a lot of good American sitcoms have now where there’s a gag in every line: it’s jam-packed with funny and relatable stuff.

The funniest meal I’ve ever eaten …

I had a burger in a blue bun in Amsterdam. It was a vegan restaurant, and I get that they need to find ways to make ethical eating popular but at what point do you go: “Forget the taste, bring out the food colouring”?

The funniest thing that shouldn’t be funny …

The current world leaders we have.

The funniest word …

Hubris. Can’t take it seriously. That, and hegemony.

Kae Kurd is touring the UK in 2021. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @KaeKurd