Kent dad calls for change as he fights cancer for seventh time

A Kent dad who is being treated for cancer for the seventh time is calling for help to save more lives. David Leavesley from Chartham, near Canterbury, has beat cancer six times already and says he owes much of his survival to the treatments discovered by Cancer Research UK.

The 70-year-old is backing Cancer Research UK’s Turning Point for Cancer campaign, which calls on the next UK government to help save more lives. Underlining unacceptable cancer waiting times and an alarming £1bn gap in funding for life-saving research, David said he believes tackling the disease must be a top election priority for all political parties.

His call comes as new analysis from the charity reveals around 314,000 people in the South East are projected to be diagnosed with cancer in the next five years. David, who is retired from a career in Customs & Excise, said: “Cancer is the defining health issue of our time. For thousands of people like me, our lives are touched by the disease and the numbers are only growing. That is why we must make sure cancer is at the forefront of the minds of all future MPs.

“Many people still think of cancer as a death sentence. But I’m being treated for the seventh time and whilst the doctors treat me, I’m getting on with my life and enjoying more time with my family. It is a bumpy road, but thanks to advances in treatment, helped by organisations like Cancer Research UK, I’m still here to tell the story and hopefully give encouragement, belief and hope to others in a similar situation.”

David is urging people in the South East to call on their local parliamentary candidates to commit to transforming cancer survival by emailing them now at He warns that analysis shows if current trends in cancer death rates continue, without action, the UK is at risk of collectively losing a staggering 13 million years of life to cancer in the first parliamentary term alone.***

David was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008. He underwent surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy.

All was well until August 2019 which saw the start of three and a half years of further diagnosis and gruelling cancer treatment. This included, colon cancer, a brain tumour, an abdominal tumour, a liver tumour, cancer in lymph nodes and peritoneum, for which David has ongoing treatment. Some of the cancers are secondaries, which have spread from the original site elsewhere in his body.

David’s treatment has included drugs that Cancer Research UK helped to develop, and he is a passionate champion of research as it has enabled him to spend more precious time with his family. He has two daughters, one of whom has had four bouts of cancer and three benign brain tumours. A recent scan indicated that a nodule had been detected in David’s mesenteric root - in the same area an enlarged lymph node was previously found. The mesentery is a fold of membrane that attaches the intestine to the wall around the stomach and holds it in place.

But once again – thanks to advances in research – David has treatment options. He is now having further immunotherapy treatment and doing well. Because of the prevalence of cancer in his family, David has undergone genetic testing. He does carry a faulty gene (MLH1) but doctors felt it was caused by an incident in his life and was therefore not genetic.

Along the way, treatment has meant he has suffered side effects ranging from incontinence, impotence and tinnitus to tiredness and joint aches. He added: “I always say my colon has a lot to answer for! And the side effects can be tough. But my approach is: you have to be here to have the side effects, and I’m very glad I am still here. And with this campaign, I’d like to play a small part in helping to create a future that protects my loved ones, and others too.

“My treatment would not be possible without advances in research. It’s distressing to think how many friends, family and colleagues could be affected by the fall-out if we don’t speed up progress in the fight against cancer. With so many challenges and funding issues surrounding cancer research and care, it’s vital that saving lives comes before politics. When you hear those terrible words, “It’s cancer,” all you want to know is you – or your loved one – have the best possible chance of surviving. Whoever wins the general election, the next UK Government must help make this a reality for cancer patients everywhere.”

Familiar faces from stage and screen, including actors Sussex comedian John Bishop and former doctor/author Adam Kay, plus other celebrities including actors Stephen Graham and Daisy Edgar-Jones have also backed the campaign.

Cancer Research UK’s spokesperson for the South East, Lynn Daly, said: "We’re grateful to David for joining the groundswell of supporters, scientists and stars who are backing our campaign and hope his story will inspire people across the South East to have their say by emailing their local candidates. The entire cancer community is calling for the next UK Government to introduce a bold and long-term plan to prevent future cancers and improve survival.

"Urgent action to tackle the disease will mean more life-saving research, more people diagnosed and treated earlier, and ultimately, more people in the region living longer, better lives.”

You can back the campaign here.