Kevin Sorbo's Bonkers Take On Assault Weapons Gets Instant Fact-Check On Twitter

Actor Kevin Sorbo tried a new approach in defending assault weapons amid a wave of mass shootings: They don’t exist.

The star of TV’s “Hercules” in the 1990s but who now focuses on Christian films and right-wing conspiracy theories wrote on Twitter:

Sorbo’s tweet came one day after a gunman killed eight people and wounded seven others at an outlet mall in Texas, and as a recent wave of mass shootings is leading to renewed calls for increased gun control.

A Fox News poll released last month, for example, found the majority of Americans want tighter gun control laws and better enforcement of existing regulations.

More specifically, 61% favor bans on the assault weapons that Sorbo claims “aren’t real.”

As a result, his tweet was widely shared ― but probably not for the reasons he would’ve hoped: