Kherson residents fear Russians will use them as 'human shields'

Civilians evacuated from the Russian-controlled Kherson region - REUTERS/Alexey Pavlishak
Civilians evacuated from the Russian-controlled Kherson region - REUTERS/Alexey Pavlishak

Residents in the occupied region of Kherson are too scared to flee impending fighting because they fear being used by Russian soldiers as “human shields”.

Ukraine is preparing to launch a counter-offensive in the region, described as the “battle for Kherson”, to seize back the territory from Moscow. 

Russian officials reported large explosions in the city on Friday as the battle edges closer, including deadly strikes on a bridge that they said were launched by Kyiv.

Locals have been urged to leave the area before heavy fighting hits but many feel they have little choice but to remain.

“We’re terrified of being used as human shields so we will not flee,” Karina told the Telegraph via social media. “When the fighting comes I will be sitting in the basement, praying to survive.”

Destroyed buildings in Kherson - Sergio Olmos
Destroyed buildings in Kherson - Sergio Olmos

Russia claimed on Friday that Kyiv's forces killed four people when they shelled the Antonivskiy bridge over the Dnipro river used for evacuations.

The Russian-backed administration of Kherson overnight said Kyiv fired "12 HIMARS rockets at a civilian crossing near the Antonivsky bridge."

"Four people were killed," Kirill Stremousov, a pro-Moscow official, said on Telegram.

Ukrainian military officials confirmed that the bridge was struck, but denied that the civilians were killed as they "cannot be on the bridge at this time because of a curfew,"

"We do not hit peaceful settlements or the local population," Ukrainian military spokeswoman Nataliya Gumenyuk said in televised comments on Friday.

Russian state television aired footage of a damaged car and traffic waiting to cross the river.

Many of those Ukrainians fleeing are being bused by Moscow-installed authorities to Crimea. On Thursday, Mr Stremousov said 15,000 people had crossed the river.

Russian authorities knocked on Irina’s door three times before she agreed to travel to Crimea with her eight-year-old daughter.

Veera is brought to tears surveying her home in Poy’omkyne, Kherson - Sergio Olmos
Veera is brought to tears surveying her home in Poy’omkyne, Kherson - Sergio Olmos

Fighting is edging closer to her home day by day, leaving her in the impossible position of putting her daughter’s safety above her desire to stay home.

“I’m terrified, but it is the only option,” she said. Irina does not know the exact time of her departure but has been told it will be within days. “I feel fear, and still don’t know what will happen and where they will come.”

“I am scared to speak much more because they check the telephone and I will go through many checkpoints on my journey,” she added. She said she would wipe her phone of any evidence of her conversation with the Telegraph.

Another source, who wished to remain anonymous, said authorities are bringing in lone children for health checks at the hospital she works at before sending them to Russia.

According to locals, Russians are preparing their defences, scouting out bombed buildings and blocking roads.

Viktoria said groups of 50 military vehicles at a time were passing by her window in the direction of Verkhnii Rohachyk, an urban settlement on the banks of the Rohachyk River, a left tributary of the Dnieper.

“It has been the quiet before the storm,” she said. “Enemies settle in empty houses near my home and move silently to get ready. The terrorists tell people that Kherson will not be surrendered.”

Destruction in Kherson - Sergio Olmos
Destruction in Kherson - Sergio Olmos

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian forces had mined the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant with the intent of blowing it up, in what would amount to a "catastrophe on a grand scale".

Hundreds of thousands of people around the lower Dnieper River would be in danger of rapid flooding if the dam were destroyed.

As the anticipation of action grows, Kherson’s resistance movement has been distributing flyers to apartment buildings in the city, urging those remaining to “stay strong”.

“The Russian soldiers don’t scare us anymore,” said Viktoria, who found dozens of leaflets in her building’s lobby. “I remember the day when the terrorists just arrived in my district. Everything changed in an instant, but now there is hope.”

Di, another local, said: “After such a long stay here, I no longer fear. I'm ready for anything… I'm really looking forward to when everything will happen.

“I didn’t see the best years of my life like this. But maybe one day my grandchildren will have many stories.”

A tank left behind - Sergio Olmos
A tank left behind - Sergio Olmos

Ukrainian soldiers fighting in the region told the Telegraph that British HIMARS have been vital to pushing back Russian forces.

Vladislav, who is fighting in Kherson Oblast, said Russia is leaving their wounded behind. He was unable to say his exact location due to security concerns.

He said that liberating towns and villages was a feeling “beyond words”.

“Many civilians survived the horror under the occupiers, but when we return to our lands, the civilians greet us like heroes from a Marvel movie.

“We are heroes for them, although to me every citizen of my country is a hero.”