Killjoy Jobcentre bans staff from wearing Christmas jumpers

Christmas jumper
Christmas jumper

Staff at Jobcentre branches in Greater Manchester have been banned from wearing Christmas jumpers this year while the rest of the country celebrates.

Bosses are not allowing workers to take part in Christmas Jumper Day 2016 as they believe it will be “unprofessional”.

The event is now an annual fundraising day where workers across the country don their finest festive knitwear to raise cash for Save The Children.

Fundraiser: Christmas Jumper Day raises thousands for Save the Children (Getty)
Fundraiser: Christmas Jumper Day raises thousands for Save the Children (Getty)

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But despite the fact that thousands of pounds is raised every year, Jobcentre staff are not comfortable with claimants seeing staff dressed up.

A source told the Manchester Evening News: “We were told it wasn’t appropriate when working with people who are on the breadline – that some people might think it’s unprofessional for us to be wearing Christmas jumpers.

“But we’ve never had any complaints before. What on earth could be inappropriate about supporting a children’s charity?


“You go into a Job Centre for help to claim your benefit. We can’t see why anyone would object to us taking part in this charity day.”

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesperson said: “Jobcentre Plus colleagues do an excellent job to support local causes, and routinely take part in annual charity days raising over £10,000 each year – including Christmas Jumper Day.

“We also expect, particularly in customer-facing roles that involve working with the most vulnerable, that colleagues present themselves in a professional way that inspires confidence.”

Top pic: Wikipedia