King Charles and Jay Blades' Repair Shop chemistry: 'Watch out Ant and Dec'

Jay Blades and King Charles had great chemistry on The Repair Shop. (BBC)
Jay Blades and King Charles had great chemistry on The Repair Shop. (BBC)

The Repair Shop viewers have gone wild for a "bromance" between King Charles and Jay Blades on the programme, adding "watch out Ant and Dec".

Wednesday's episode of the popular BBC One restoration show included a guest appearance from the King, who had recorded the special before taking over as monarch.

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Fans of the show praised his easy chemistry with host and furniture restorer Blades, saying that they were an unexpectedly great double act.

One viewer tweeted: "Watch out Ant & Dec. What a great double act these two are."

Viewers loved the pair's camaraderie. (BBC)
Viewers loved the pair's camaraderie. (BBC)

Someone else agreed: "Dare I say it but two top blokes from VERY different backgrounds but it’s as if they’ve known each other for years. What a great unexpected double act."

Another viewer wrote: "It may be that it’s all been so battering lately but the #repairshop Jay and Charles bromance was just lovely."

Someone else commented: "Not a Royalist in anyway. However the #RepairShop was brilliant. Jay was just himself a typical London boy. I loved how he was just normal like chatting to a mate with Charles. @jayblades_ is a good bloke."

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Another person added: "oh that was wonderful heartwarming look at Jay with King Charles Worlds apart brought them together I hope they have become friends thank you to all at the repair shop for a wonderful unforgettable episode."

The King was given his own Repair Shop mug. (BBC)
The King was given his own Repair Shop mug. (BBC)

Many viewers noticed that the pair did away with the usual royal protocol of not touching those in the royal family, with one person tweeting: "The way Jay keeps nudging The King, like they've been mates for years."

But Blades addressed their close moments on Instagram, explaining that it hadn't been a problem.

He wrote: "It is against royal protocol but also when you're from the East End, you have a different type of protocol.

"So, the two protocols came together and he was cool with it and I was cool with it. It was kind of like East End meets West End and we came together. If you see how I touched him and he touched me, you'll see it was mutual."

Both men talked about the importance of vocational training. (BBC)
Both men talked about the importance of vocational training. (BBC)

Viewers also praised the pair's discussion about how important vocational skills training is, and how it is often lacking in schools.

One viewer tweeted: "So The King has says “not everybody is designed for the academic” and labelled the lack of vocational education in schools a “great tragedy” during a special edition of The Repair Shop. Can His Majesty be Education Secretary?"

Someone else agreed: "Tonight’s #repairshop shows King Charles cares more about our kid’s futures than most of our politicians! He’s absolutely right; we need more apprenticeship programmes."

Another fan wrote: "The Repair Shop and @jayblades_ doing a great job of highlighting the absurdity of the sausage factory of academia for everyone. Vocational courses need to be valued the same as academic. How many kids have we all met who’d be amazing at skilled work? Yet was anything on offer?"

Someone else commented: "Watching the #repairshop and listening to The King (then the Prince of Wales) speak so passionately about apprenticeships, the development of skills and supporting the next generation of heritage crafts people. Absolutely fantastic to hear this. Puts a huge smile on your face."

Watch: King Charles says lack of vocational education in schools is 'a great tragedy'