King Charles to join crowds in Cardiff after being longest serving Prince of Wales

King Charles and the Queen Consort will make their first visit to Wales on Friday, with thousands expected to join the crowds at Cardiff Castle.

The royal couple will attend a remembrance service for Queen Elizabeth at Llandaff Cathedral, where they will be greeted by the Lord Lieutenant of South Glamorgan. They will also meet schoolchildren and members of the local community.

Following a motion of condolence at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay, the King will then hold a private audience with the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, at Cardiff Castle, where the first 2,000 people in the queue will be allowed entry.

Queue to see Queen nearly five miles long - royal news latest updates

Preparations have been taking place all week, with potholes being filled in and stages for the media set up across the three sites.

Charles was Prince of Wales for more than 53 years following his investiture at Caernarfon Castle in North Wales in 1969.

"It was the big, formal introduction of Charles as this symbol - if you like - of Wales," says Dr Mari Wiliam, lecturer in modern history at Bangor University.

"Opinion polls from the late 1960s show about 70% to 80% approval of Charles being invested as Prince of Wales - but there were also very vocal protests."

"I think in Welsh history we tend to focus a lot on the protest against Charles and not so much on how he tried to integrate himself with Wales and Welsh culture," she added.

As part of his preparations, King Charles spent 10 weeks studying Welsh language and history at Aberystwyth University.

Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan, director of Welsh language and culture at the university, told Sky News that King Charles's time there was quite intensive.

He said: "You can see from his timetable - they were quite senior academic members of staff who were putting him through his paces in terms of Welsh literature, the Welsh language, Welsh history and they certainly made great progress with the young Charles."

Campaigns against the role of Prince of Wales

The royal title of the Prince of Wales dates back to England conquering the nation in the 13th century - and there have long been campaigns against the role, and for Welsh independence.

In Caernarfon, there is a mix of opinion about Charles ascending to the throne. "I'm ambivalent," Richard Roberts told Sky News.

"I was 13 in 1969 when the investiture took place here and it was in the age when we started to question politics and the situation of Wales within the British Isles, so I'm quite ambivalent."

I ask whether he'll support Charles as King?

"No, not really, because I feel that the establishment does not respect my Wales," he replied.

But others in the town are in full support. Janine Brown said: "I was very upset about the passing of the Queen, she had been in our lives for such a long time and I'm a big fan of the Queen and the Royal Family."

"I'm glad that he's got his opportunity to become King, it's as it should be, obviously in sad circumstances but I think he'll make a good King," she added.

'I welcome the King'

James Cook, who works in a cafe on the high street, thinks the people of Wales will support Charles. He said: "It's a role he's been looking to take over for many years.

"I sympathise with the loss of Her Majesty but I welcome the King. He's always had the role of the Prince of Wales - I think he has got the support [of the people of Wales]."

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A survey by Cardiff University found 55% of people support having a monarchy, but 28% would rather have an elected head of state.

Dr Marion Loeffler, reader in Welsh history at Cardiff University, says the visit to Cardiff will be an important milestone.

"Not only for those who support the monarchy in Wales, but also for those who stand on the sidelines who are undecided and want to see how King Charles is going to engage with us here in Wales.

"Whether the reign of King Charles will strengthen or weaken the Welsh independence movement will depend very much on how he relates to the Welsh people and I would say negotiation, caution and listening to the people is very much the order of the day."