Kit Harington cuddling a puppy at TIFF is giving us major Game of Thrones flashbacks to Jon Snow and Ghost

Kit Harington cuddling a puppy at TIFF is giving us major Game of Thrones flashbacks to Jon Snow and Ghost

And now his puppy watch begins.

Things got pawsitively adorable when Kit Harington stopped by the EW and PEOPLE portrait studio at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival to snuggle with a rescue dog named Moose, who made fast friends with the actor — and his shoelaces (as evidenced in a clip below).


Ben Trivett Kit Harington with Moose in EW and PEOPLE's 2022 TIFF studio

Watching the Game of Thrones star cradle the canine gave us major flashbacks to Jon Snow and his trusty direwolf, Ghost.

Back in the HBO hit's season 1 premiere, each of the Stark siblings was gifted their own pet from a pack of newborn direwolves whose mother was killed by a stag. Grey Wind was given to Robb (Richard Madden), Lady to Sansa (Sophie Turner), Nymeria to Arya (Maisie Williams), Summer to Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright), Shaggydog to Rickon (Art Parkinson), and Ghost, the albino pup considered the runt of the litter, to Jon, who was believed to be the bastard son of Ned Stark at the time. Appropriately, a direwolf was also the sigil of House Stark.

Game of Thrones Jon Snow and his direwolf Ghost
Game of Thrones Jon Snow and his direwolf Ghost

HBO Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and his direwolf Ghost in the 'Game of Thrones' premiere.

The snow white pup soon grew to be the same size as his siblings and proved his worth in battle over the years. Along with Nymeria, Ghost was one of only two of the family's direwolves to make it through to the show's finale, which saw him reunited with Jon — by then revealed as Aegon Targaryen — as the pair journeyed with the Wildlings back to the lands beyond the Wall.

Fans may get another chance to see Jon and Ghost together when Harington reportedly returns for a Jon Snow spin-off series, which we can only hope HBO is fast-tracking after the smashing success of GOT prequel series, House of the Dragon, a show which the actor says he's been "really enjoying."

"I think they've done a fantastic job," the Eternals star told Entertainment Tonight Canada of House of the Dragon. "It's a weird one to start a whole new show in the same kind of realm and to make it its own thing, and I think that they've really done that."

The actor was at TIFF 2022 on Friday to promote his upcoming movie Baby Ruby, about a lifestyle influencer who unravels after becoming a mother, also starring Noémie Merlant and Meredith Hagner. Watch the stars preview the film in the EW and PEOPLE video studio below, and check out clips of Harington bonding with Moose above.

See our full gallery of celebrities playing with the puppies, all available for adoption from Project Paws Dog Rescue. And follow all of EW's ongoing coverage of the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival here.

Subscribe to EW's West of Westeros podcast, which goes behind the making of House of the Dragon and the growing Game of Thrones universe.

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