Knifeman told Bargain Booze worker 'don't be a hero'

Thomas McNulty
Thomas McNulty -Credit:Merseyside Police

A former Morrisons store manager returned to his "old habits" and ended up in prison after raiding Bargain Booze armed with a knife.

Thomas McNulty entered the off-licence brandishing the weapon and told a shopkeeper "don't be a hero". But a courageous customer stepped in and wrestled the masked robber to the ground.

Liverpool Crown Court heard yesterday, Thursday, that the 57-year-old attended the premises on Brighton Street in Wallasey, with his face covered and carrying a knife at around 3.30pm on April 9 this year. McNulty, of Littledale Road, then threatened an employee with the blade and told them "not to be a hero".

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Christopher Taylor, prosecuting, described how he ordered the worker to open the till and grabbed around £85 in cash. The defendant was said to have thrown the knife to the ground when a customer entered the store, and this shopper subsequently pushed him to the ground and tackled him before he was arrested by police officers called .

McNulty has a total of 31 previous convictions for 66 offences dating back to 1978. However, he remained out of trouble with the law between 2005 and 2015 and then again from 2017 until this year.

John Weate, defending, told the court: "Here is a defendant who is 57 years of age with a record that is extremely long. There are two breaks in that record.

"The defendant originated in the Wirral area. He, from a young age, got himself very sadly into the misuse of Class A drugs and acquired a long list of convictions. From 2005 to 2015, be actually found himself a job. He worked originally on the shop floor at Morrisons and worked his way up to manager.

"He only gave that job up when his mother and father became ill. They both passed away in quick succession. In effect, he was not then able to deal with the bereavement. As night follows day, his old habits recommenced and he found himself misusing controlled drugs.

"He is ashamed to be in this position. He does express, in my submission, genuine remorse for the fact that he finds himself in this position.

"He knows he is going to be sentenced to custody. He intends to embrace it and make every effort to get back to where he was from 2005 to 2015."

McNulty admitted robbery and possession of a bladed article in a public place. Appearing via video link to HMP Altcourse, he was jailed for three years.

Sentencing, Judge David Aubrey KC said: "You have a most unattractive record. It is littered with offences of dishonesty, but it is right to emphasise that there are two considerable breaks in your record.

"Fear must have been instilled in those who had been working at that Bargain Booze. This was an extremely serious offence of robbery.

"The employee must have felt anxious and fearful as to what could or might happen. A courageous customer observed the robbery and pushed you over.

"You have suffered a number of issues in the past. I bear in mind your age and that the last time you served a custodial sentence was in 2003."

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