All to know about ITV Douglas Is Cancelled - full cast starring Hugh Bonneville

There are four episodes of Douglas Is Cancelled airing on ITV1 over the next few weeks <i>(Image: ITV)</i>
There are four episodes of Douglas Is Cancelled airing on ITV1 over the next few weeks (Image: ITV)

Douglas Is Cancelled is a four-part comedy drama about “cancel culture”, set in the world of television news, featuring Hugh Bonneville and Karen Gillan.

The series follows "national treasure" news presenter Douglas Bellowes (Hugh Bonneville) who tells a sexist joke at a wedding, leaving viewers wondering if his broadcasting career is over.

However, Douglas Is Cancelled creator Steven Moffat recently revealed the audience watching at home won’t know what Douglas said until the end of the season, according to Radio Times.

He explained: “What's funny about this is you don't know what he [actually] said until the end. So you can make up your mind [along the way] whether he should be cancelled or not.

"It's a heated topic, and isn't it funny that everyone has exactly the same opinion, really? Everybody wants to cancel somebody."

What is Douglas Is Cancelled on ITV about?

Douglas Is Cancelled introduces us to “middle aged, and greying, current affairs news anchor”, Douglas Bellowes, “a respected broadcaster and raconteur who loves the life he’s created with his newspaper editor wife, Sheila (Alex Kingston),” explains ITV.

“Whilst an experienced broadcaster for Live At Six, behind the scenes Douglas surprisingly needs constant reassurance from his sharper, younger, tech savvy, social media aware co-anchor, Madeline (Karen Gillan), who appears to be able to wrap him around her little finger.

“His life is privileged as he’s regarded as a national treasure and apparently, can do no wrong, until he makes an ill-advised joke at his cousin’s wedding, which is overheard by a fellow guest, who threatens to expose his comments on social media.”

Hugh Bonneville stars as Douglas in Douglas Is Cancelled (Image: ITV)

The broadcaster adds: “Speculation is rife and during the on-going hysteria and digital storm, Douglas’s alleged indiscretion is dissected, analysed and blown out of all proportion.

“Everyone appears to have an opinion and Douglas is struggling to escape the controversy. It’s a chaotic and unmanageable situation, but can Douglas count on the support of his agent and colleagues? What will Douglas do next?”

Douglas Is Cancelled full cast list – who is in it?

From Ted Lasso to Doctor Who and The Crown stars, this is the full cast list for Douglas Is Cancelled:

  • Douglas - Hugh Bonneville

  • Madeline - Karen Gillan

  • Toby - Ben Miles

  • Sheila - Alex Kingston

  • Morgan - Nick Mohammed

  • Bently - Mimon Russell Beale

  • Claudia - Madeleine Power

  • Tom - Joe Wilkinson

  • Theresa - Millicent Wong

  • Driver - Toby Longworth

  • Sebastian - Michael Parr

  • Tilson - Patrick Baladi

  • Helen - Stephanie Hyam

How to watch trailer for Douglas Is Cancelled

When is Douglas Is Cancelled on TV? How to watch

The first episode of Douglas Is Cancelled will air on ITV1 and ITVX on Thursday, June 27 from 9pm.

The following three episodes will air weekly, at the same time on ITV1.

However, all four episodes will be available to stream after the first episode has been shown.