Labour 'delighted' by Coventry local election 2024 results as parties react

Cllr George Duggins was re-elected today, 3 April
Cllr George Duggins was re-elected today, 3 April -Credit:LDRS

Coventry Labour's leader has hailed "excellent" results after the party gained three new councillors today, 3 April. All were won from the Conservatives who had a tough night nationally in this year's local elections.

In Coventry the wards that went from blue to red are Bablake, Westwood and Sherborne. It means Labour has boosted its majority on the council, which it has been in control of since 2014.

Overall the Conservatives lost half the seats they were defending to Labour. Elsewhere, the Greens did not make it a hat trick in their main target of Holbrook, where they have gained from Labour in the last two years.


Coventry local election 2024 results in full as Labour increase majority

Coventry local elections 2024 live as results declared across West Midlands

After winning by 79 votes last year, their candidate Gareth Lloyd lost by 946 votes today, with incumbent Labour councillor Rachel Lancaster defending the seat. This year, the closest result was in Binley and Willenhall, where the Coventry Citizens Party almost took the seat from Labour's Christine Thomas.

Paul Cowley, who has run for the seat several times, had a surge of support but ultimately lost by 57 votes. Other close contests were Sherborne, where the Conservatives' Ryan Simpson lost by 146 votes, and Cheylesmore, where the Conservatives' Barbara Mosterman held on by 125 votes.


The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) spoke to party leaders to get the reactions. Cllr Duggins said the results were "excellent," and he is "absolutely delighted."

He was surprised by how close the result was in Binley and Willenhall. But he said: "At the end of the day, it's like anything else. A win is a win."

Cllr Gary Ridley was re-elected today, 3 April
Cllr Gary Ridley was re-elected today, 3 April -Credit:LDRS

Cllr Gary Ridley, leader of the Coventry Conservatives, said it is "humbling" to have been re-elected in his ward. His majority was reduced but "compared to the results we've seen elsewhere I am really humbled."

He said he was "disappointed" at how dominated the local elections have been by national issue, and said losses in Bablake and Westwood were surprising. He was also "very disappointed" to have lost Sherborne, but said it was a testament to Cllr Simpson that it was run so close.

Cllr Stephen Gray, leader of the Coventry Green Party, said the result was disappointing but "not entirely unexpected." This is because of the mayoral election bringing out people who want to vote for the main two parties, he said.

"It's not a reflection on our work in the community, it's Labour benefiting from other factors," he claimed. His colleague, Cllr Esther Reeves, added that Cllr Lancaster is known in the community and "that does make a difference."

Cameron Baxter, leader of the Coventry Citizens Party, said the result was "gutting" but he was "proud" of the campaign they ran in the ward.

Leader says Coventry needs a 'fair deal'

Cllr Duggins has led the council for the last eight years, and was re-elected to represent Longford for the tenth time today. In his speech he referred to "difficult situations" the ruling group has faced and vowed to fight for more government funding.

He said: "This particular group of people have come through some really difficult situations over a period of time.

"We've had to deal with Covid, the cost of living crisis, we've had, unfortunately refuse disputes which we're now putting behind us, and frankly colleagues we're going to get a better service as a result of that.

"And I think it is due to the fact that people have stuck together on this group. But we need to continue, colleagues, to work for a fair deal for Coventry, because frankly colleagues, we're not getting one.

"We're £89 per head of population below what we should be nationally. And that means, colleagues, we are about £31 million light.

"Just imagine what this group, our group, could do with that, what a difference we could make to the city over and above the difference we are making."

Cllr Ridley, who was re-elected for Woodlands, said: "I've always said to the residents that politics is about a journey. And it's about being on that journey together.

"Working for a better community together. And that is very much how I intend to spend the next two years, campaigning on our record of action, with a promise of more."

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