Labour Senedd member suspended over 'different car number plates' allegation

-Credit: (Image: Senedd/Ben Evans)
-Credit: (Image: Senedd/Ben Evans)

A Labour Senedd member has been suspended by her party. Rhianon Passmore, who represents Islwyn in the Senedd, has been suspended pending an investigation.

The suspension came after the Guido Fawkes website alleged she was photographed driving her car out of the Senedd car park with two different number plates with one hanging off the front of her vehicle and a different one underneath.

The website has blurred the number plates but claims "neither is legal – one is unregistered and the other is untaxed and overdue", which is something we cannot verify.

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In a statement Labour said she has been "administratively suspended" while an investigation takes place. A spokeswoman said: "The Labour Party takes the conduct of our elected representatives extremely seriously and all complaints are investigated in accordance with the party’s complaints procedures." For the latest politics news in Wales sign up to our newsletter here.

Ms Passmore has represented Islwyn in Cardiff Bay since 2016 and her suspension means the party now has only 29, not 30, MSs in the Bay. In 2018 Ms Passmore was convicted by magistrates of failing to give police a breath test. She was convicted of failing to provide a sample of breath for analysis and fined £1,000, told to pay a £100 victim surcharge and £620 costs by magistrates, and banned from driving for 20 months.