LACNIP to request funding to help with community gems

Mar. 26—LIMA — Lima-Allen County Neighborhoods in Partnership president Denise James said at a joint Finance and Economic and Community Development Committees meeting that LACNIP would be better served to request a community development block grant from the Housing and Neighborhoods Department.

James said that request would be a better fit for the programs she wants LACNIP to fund.

"Going through our financials and considering what my vision was made me realize that was a better plan," she said.

Committee members Thomas Jones, Dr. Derry Glenn, Jon Neeper, Peggy Ehora and Carla Thompson all shared advice for James ahead of the expected application.

"I think that's an excellent idea," Thompson said. "You should have financial records from previous years in front of you as you fill out the form. And I would recommend you don't twist LACNIP to fit the requirements."

"It feels good to know that council is behind me because they're a big part of this community," James said. "The residents put them in office so they have to care about them. To have their support means they know I'm out here doing something for the community."

James said the funding would be important to help events like the LACNIP dinner and community gems like the resource center and community gardens.

"I just want to revitalize the LACNIP resource center," James said. "We want it to hold up to its name. We want to get out there in the community so they have the opportunity to know how hard we work."

For more information on LACNIP, visit the organization's website.

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.